Colombian Exchange

By Nat.124
  • 1401

    The Rise of the Portuguese Maritime Empire

    Portugal begins exploring the African coast, establishing trade routes and claiming territories. This marked the start of European maritime exploration and the search for new trade routes to Asia.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Discovers the Americas

    Columbus's voyage, sponsored by Spain, led to the European awareness of the Americas. This event opened the floodgates for further exploration and colonization by European powers.
  • 1498

    Vasco da Gama Reaches India

    Da Gama’s successful voyage to India established a direct sea route for trade in spices, significantly impacting European economies and global trade dynamics.
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan's Circumnavigation of the Globe

    Magellan’s expedition was the first to sail around the world, demonstrating the vastness of the Earth and opening new opportunities for exploration and trade.
  • 1533

    Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire

    The fall of the Inca Empire to Spanish conquistadors highlighted the devastating effects of colonization and the wealth that could be extracted from newly encountered lands.
  • Establishment of the British East India Company

    The founding of this trading company marked the beginning of British commercial interests in Asia, leading to significant economic influence and the eventual colonization of parts of India.
  • The Pilgrims Land at Plymouth Rock

    This event symbolized the beginning of permanent European settlements in North America, setting the stage for cultural exchanges and conflicts with Indigenous peoples.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    This period accelerated globalization, as advances in technology improved transportation and communication, leading to increased trade and interaction among nations.
  • The Scramble for Africa

    European powers rapidly colonized Africa, driven by the desire for resources and markets. This event drastically altered African societies and accelerated global trade networks.
  • End of World War II and the Beginning of Modern Globalization

    The conclusion of the war marked the establishment of international institutions and a new global order, fostering economic interdependence and the spread of globalization in the latter half of the 20th century.