I was born on march 21st 2000
I was born on march 21st 2000. I was the best thing that happen to my mom and dad. This is a good time because its how it all started. -
1st b-day
MY first birth day whe i lived in waterferd. I had a really nice cake then I put my face in it. Thia is a good time because it was my first B-day. -
I moved out of waterford
When I was 2 I move from waterferd to holly. When I moved my friends were sad. This is good because if I never moved to holly I would not be typing this timeline. -
I movied to holly
I was 2 when i moved to holly. I met alot of new people and they become my friends. This is good because if I never moved to holly I would have never met my best friends. -
When i got my stickis
(I dont have a image of this) I got this when I was 5. I got them because I was jumping on my bed and ell and hit the side of the bed. This is kinda good because i meet really nice docters. -
My best friend moved
This is when my friend moved away. I was really sad he was my best friend in the whole world. This is kinda good because I meet new people and they became my best friend. -
On my 7th B-day i got my dirtbike
I got my dirt bike when I was 7. My mom gave me the gear and Imput it on and then my dad went to his barn and drove the dirt bike out I was so happy. This is good because I won alot of tropheys. -
The first day of football
This was one of the best days in my life. I loved footbal and I hope iIgo to collage and play and maybe get into the nfl. This is a good thing because I love to hit peopleand play. -
I was on the news paper
This was when I was 8 and I could not read that good so I had to have help. But when I found out that I was going to be in news I was so happy I dreesed up and every thing. This was a good thing because it help get my name around to other people. -
my brother was born
This was a big day my baby brother was born. The best thing about it is his B-day was on holloween. This is good because I got to eat cake anf get candy. -
I got my burn
I got this when I fell on my dirt bike and it burn my skin off. I had to get shoots and have them peel my dead skin off. This is a good thing because I got to have alot of icecream. -
The first time i went to ceader point
When I went to cedarpoint I had the best time of my life. I was a little scard but when I got on a rollercoster I oved them and didnt want to go home. This is a good thing because I say my mom and dads best friend befor he died. -
i went to a party
It was my first big party at a friends house. It was so much fun we had a cake war. This is a good thing because I had the time of my life. -
My new puppy was born
My awesome puppy was born her name is brick. When she was born my mom didnt pick her first but as she good older she was the pick of the lider. This is a good thing because she is a good friend. -
First day of hight school
The first day back to school. I was a little nervis and I did not know if the teachers are nice, This was a good thing because I got to see all of my friends.