Oct 12, 1492
Columbus Comes upon a New World
Columbus and his crew discovered America and the land around it. They considered it the "New World". -
Jan 30, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
This treaty let Spain secure its clain to Columbus's discoveries. -
Jun 29, 1513
Ponce de Leon explores Florida
Ponce de Leon thought that Florida was an island and he was seeking gold. -
Aug 30, 1513
Balboa claims land
Balboa claims all lands touched by Pacific Ocean for Spain. -
Jun 30, 1520
Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain
Cortes brought his people into Mexico and conquered it, creating an empire that grew impressively. -
Jan 27, 1522
Ferdinand Magellan
One of Magellan's five ships made it back to Spain completing the first circumnavigation of the globe. -
Oct 18, 1532
Francisco Pizarro crushes the Incas
This led to Spain discovering New World Silver by 1600. -
Aug 30, 1534
Jacques Carter journeys up the St. Lawrence River
Jun 27, 1542
Cabrillo explores California coast for Spain
Cabrillo lands on the shore of what is now the San Diego Bay and explores the coast. -
Aug 30, 1558
Elizabeth the 1st becomes Queen of England
Aug 30, 1565
Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine
Raleigh founds Roanoke colony
off the coast of present day North Carolina. -
English defeats Spanish Armada
Angelo-Powhatan War
First War ends -
Angelo-Powhatan War
The second Warl -
Charles the 2nd restored to English Thrown
Barbados slave code adopted
Pope rebels in New Mexico
Yamasee War in South Carolina
Georgia colony founded
The War of Jenkin's Ear
Between England and Spain -
King George's War
Ended in 1748 -
French and Indian War
This is also known as the Seven Years War -
Braddock's Defeat
He was killed and buried underneath the road so that he could not be wrongly treated by the enemy -
Battle of Quebec
Fought between Continental Army forces and British defenders -
Proclamation of 1763
This proclamation closed off the idea of colonial expansion -
Treaty of Paris
Ended the Seven years War -
Sugar Act
Also known as the American Revenue Act of 1764 -
Quartering Act
Colonists were forced to house British soldiers -
Declaratory Act
Accompanied the Repeal of the Stamp Act -
Townshend Acts
Created by Charles Townshend -
Boston Massacre
Five colonists killed because a British officer thought that he was told to fire -
Committees of Correspondence formed
Created to try to fight against Britain's actions during the war -
Tea Act
British East India Company granted tea Monopoly -
Boston Tea Party
The destruction of Britsh tea by the sons of liberty in Boston -
Intolerable Acts
British's Response to the colonists after the Boston Tea Party -
Quebec Act
Also known as the British North America Act -
First Continental Congress
Meeting between the delegates of 12 of the 13 colonies at Carpenter Hall in Philadephia -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
First shots fired to begin the Revolutionary War -
"Common Sense" Pamphlet
Written by Thomas Paine -
Washington elected President
First president of the U.S. -
Bill of Rights adopted
The first 10 Amendments to the constitution, -
Washington reelected President
Washington's second and last term. -
France declares war on British and Spain
Causes America to be stuck in the middle. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Some farmers started an uprising, but Washington led a small army in and shut down the uprising. -
Jays' Treaty
Hamilton interrurupted and told Britain what was coming, but it was a good thing. -
Pinckney’s Treaty
Resolved territory issues between the Spanish and the U.S. -
Treaty of Greenville
Inidans cede Ohio -
Adams elected Presdient
2nd President of the U.S. -
XYZ Affair
America wanted to talk to the French leader, but French wanted a ridiculous amount of money -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Set rights for non-citizens and what they had to do to become an American citizen -
Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
Repeal of the Alien and Sedition Acts -
Convention of 1800
Peace with France -
Thomas Jefferson is elected President
3rd President of the U.S. -
Louisiana Purchase
15 Million dollars for 530,000,000 acres of land from France. -
Robert Fulton's first steamboat
Transportation booster at this time, until railroads came along. -
Cumberland road construction begins
Todays national road, route 40 -
Erie Canal Construction begins
Nicknamed "Clinton's big ditch" -
Jefferson founds University of Virginia
Jefferson discovers this University, still up and running today. -
Cooper publishes his first successful novel.
Novel was called "The Spy" -
Erie Canal completed
Great for transportation back then, especially with steam coming around back then, -
American Temperance society found
It was formed in Virginia. -
Webster publishes dictionary
Noah Websters dictionary, still in use today -
First railroad in the United States
Newest and quickest way of transportation for people and goods in the U.S. -
Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church
Josepth Smith was born in Sharon, Vermont -
Cyrus McCormick invents Mechanical Reaper
Limited hand farming big time. -
Anti-Catholic riot in Boston
Non-Catholics spread rumors that a bible would no longer be allowed in schools, causing this riot. -
John Deere develops the Steel Plow
Made farming much easier, and less work for slaves. -
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph
Made communcation a lot easier and delivered messages a lot quicker -
Anti-Catholic riot in Philadelphia
The picture here is St. Augustine's Church burning. -
Mexican War
War between Mexico and America, main battle at Beuna Vista -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Treaty that put an end to the Mexican War -
California Gold Rush
Immigrants from everywhere came to get rich off of gold in California. Some succeeded, most failed. -
Fillmore takes office
President Zachary Taylor died, letting Fillmore take over. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
The author of this book is Harriet Beecher Stowe. -
Gadsden Purchase from Mexico
A 29,640 sqaure-mile purchase by the United States from Mexico. -
Republican Party formed
Also known as the "Grand Old Party." -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Let the people of these states decide if slavery would be allowed in them, determined by a theory called "Popular Soveriegnty." -
Brown's Massacre at Pottawatomie
Brown gathered his men, who came together to murder five innocent men at Pottawatomie Creek. -
Panic of 1857
Just another financial panic by the United States. -
Dred Scott decision
Scott, a former slave, left his owners plantation, but Taney, the judge of the case, made him go back, calling him prroperty. And Scott couldn't fight back because techincally he was no a citizen. -
Tariff of 1857
Called for a major tax reduction in the United States. -
Brown raids Harpers Ferry
Brown, for the second time, brings his men into a raid. This time in Virginia, Brown is captured and hanged. -
Lincoln takes office
Lincoln beats out three others to win presidency. -
South Carolina secedes from the Union
Followed by many more the next year.