Sep 28, 1492
Europeans arrive in America
Europeans who were sailing on a search for gold and riches hit land in what ended up being known as the "New World." -
Aug 29, 1513
First time Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida
He first thought this was an island. He was in search of gold. -
Aug 29, 1519
Hernan Cortes set sail
He left from cuba with eleven ships and hundreds of men. -
Aug 29, 1522
First circumnavigation of the globe completed
With one out of five ships remaining, Ferdinand Magellan returned home to Spain. -
Aug 29, 1532
Incas are crushed
Francisco Pizarro crushes the Incas of Peru adding to Spanish wealth. -
Elizibeth takes English throne
She was protestant, causing protestantism to become dominent in England -
The Virginia Company's ships set sail
They had three ships that landed by the Chesapeake Bay, they were attacked by Indians. -
Remaining colonists left for home
They were dieased and left in the spring. -
Africans are sold
Dutch warships arrived near Jamestown to sell around 20 Africans. -
Maryland is found
Lord Baltimore founded this which was the second plantation colony and the fourth English colony. -
Act of Toleration is passed
Passed by local representative assembly, supported by the Catholics of Maryland. -
England claims Jamaica
This was the biggest prize of several west Indian islands claimed by England -
Official cencus in Virginia
Revealed that not many Indians remained, only about 2000. -
Settlers arrive in Carolina
These settlers come from Borbados and brought slaves and slave code. -
Pope's Rebellion
An Indian uprising caused by missionaries efforts to supress native religious customs. -
Powhatans considered extinct
English considered these people extinct because of disease, disorganization, and disposability. -
Aliance ends
Savannah Indians end their alliance with Carolinians and move to both Pennsylvania and Maryland -
Constituted Carolinians
Slaves agricultural skills contributed to this -
North and South Carolina are seperated
Each segment became a royal colony -
About all Indian tribes are devestated
Happened because of the conquest of Yamasees. These were the southern Indian tribes -
Great Awakening is Spread
A religious revival that began in Northampton, Massachusetts -
King George's War
one of the nine world wars, occured right before the senev years war. -
Beginning of French and Indian War
French and Indians actually sort of had an alliance, started after death of Jemonville -
Battle of Quebec
One of the most significant engagements for both Britain and America -
Sugar Act
first tax to anger colonies, tax on sugar -
Quartering Act
Allowed British soldiers to house in colonists houses -
Townshend Acts
included tax on tea; colonists drank very much tea -
Boston Massacre
11 people injured, Crispus Attacks died -
British Tea Party
Response to the Townshend act on tea, dumped 342 chests into the harbor while dressed like Indians. -
Intolerable Acts
response to the British tea party -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
first military engagements of the revolution -
Common Sense
Pamphlet stating reasons for independence such as a smaller body shouldnt rule a larger body -
Battle of Sarartoga
Battle where the colonists won the French's assistance -
Cornwallis surrendurs at Yorktown
British realize its better to have the colonists as alies -
Treaty of Paris
Ben Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams nedotiated with French and British -
Judiciary act of 1789
The justice system should interpret the constitution -
Washington reelected president
Decides this should be his final termin office -
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers protest against a tax put on whiskey -
Jay's Treaty
British would stop enslaving Americans -
Treaty of Greenville
Twenty thousand dollars paid for Indians to move off land -
Washington's Farewell Address
Washington warned that political parties would split the country and said not to ake permanent alliances -
XYZ Affair
America would have to pay a lot of money just to talk to a representative from France -
Sedition Act
At saying people couldnt say anything bad about the government. Jefferson strongly disagreed -
Alien Act
Said you must wait 14 years to become a citizen -
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Had to do with the compact theory and the right to nullify the government. -
Election of 1800
Jefferson wins against Adams who was running for a second term -
Convention of 1800
Not actually a convention, it was a treaty making peace with France. -
Judiciary Act
Adams appoints 16 new judges (midnight judges) to 16 newly opened positions in court -
Louisianna Purchase
Jefferson purchases land from Napoleon, it was a great deal. -
Marbury vs. Madison
Adams appointed 16 new court members and Madison wouldnt hand out the papers. Marbury sued but Marshall sided with Madison -
Lewis and Clark Expodition
The two brothers explore the Louisianna Purchase with the help of Sacogewea -
Chesapeake Bay
Britain demands the return of men when attacking American ships. -
Nonintercourse Act
rAmerica reopens trade with everyone except Britain and France. -
Battle of Lake Erie
America gains control of Lake Erie thanks to Oliver Hazard Perry -
Erie Canal Construction
Constructed because of Clinton, used to connect waterways. -
Panic of 1819
This panic happens because of overspeculation of western land. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri becomes a slave state and Maine is broken off and becomes a free state to even things out. -
Land Act of 1820
Western lands sell for a dollar and twenty five cents per acre. -
Corrupt Bargin
When Henry Clay is left to decide who becomes president, John Quincy Adams bribes him -
Russo- American Treaty
Alaska was claimed because it ran onto the west coast -
Election of 1828
Jackson easily wins after 4 years of campaigning. -
Indian Removal Act
Indians forced to move west to oklahoma, they take the trail of tears. -
Compromise Tariff
South compromises after the Tariff of Abominations and the Tariff of 1832 which lessened the Tariff of Abominations -
Panic of 1837
This panic hurt the west the most and was caused by inflation -
Commonwealt v. Hunt
Poorly paid workers fight for labor unions and win. -
Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo
Ended the war and added land to the U.S. -
Gold Rush
Many people rushed to California for the riches of gold -
Clayton Bulwer Treaty
This treaty revolved around building the Nicaragua Canal -
Election of 1852
Franklin Pierce runs against Winfield Scott, Pierce ends up winning. -
Cumberland Road Completed
National road, construction began many years earlier, -
Gadsden Purchase
Purchase of a railroad, the last major continental purchase -
Ostend Manifesto
America makes a list of demands for buying land and decide to start a war if it wasnt for sell. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
Formed by Stephen Douglas, this act repealled the Missouri Compromise. -
Bleeding Kansas
Civil war begins in Kansas and would lead to the rest of the country going into Civil war. -
Brooks Sumner Incident
Sumner bashes the Kansas Nebraska act and Brooks beats Sumner -
Panic of 1857
This is when many businesses began to fail -
Scot V. Sanford
Scot, a slave fights for freedom, Chief Justice Taney rules against him. -
Lincoln Douglas debates
Series of debates while both men were running for senator. The debates revolved around slaverry. -
Election of 1860
Included Douglas and Bell, Lincoln wins easily. -
Transcontinental Railroad
Two companies were involved. Union Pacif which hired Irish and Central Pacific which hired Chinese -
Grant Wins Presidency
Grant only voted once in his life. He wins because he is well known and respected. -
Tweed Scandal
Takes place in New York City. The guy running this is eventually prosecuted by Samuel Tilden. -
Credit Mobilier
Investors made sure that their companies recieved jobs at inflated prices. -
Whiskey Ring Scandal
Millions of dollars are stolen from US government under Grants presidency. -
Bell Invents telephone
Bell almost didnt recieve credit but he turned in his patten first. -
Garfield Assasination
Killed by a stalwart in hopes that Arthur would give him a better reward for it. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Chinese no longer could move to America. If they were alrwady here they were allowed to stay. -
Cleveland Wind presidency
He wins against a guy named James Blaine. -
Harrison wins presidency
Elected because nobody agreed with Clevelands views on tarifs -
McKinley Tariff
Raises taxes to 48% or $8 cents for a dollar. -
Homestead Strike
Steel workers strike. Pinkertons are hired to force them back to work. -
Cleveland returns to presidency
Reelected when nobody agreed witht he McKinley tariff -
Depression begins
When the depression occur America goes to J.P Morgan for help instead of another country -
Plessy v Ferguson
Discrimination was allowed as long as the government didnt do it. -
Maine Explosion
Happened in Havana harbor, there were different rumors about what happened. The rumors included Spain purposely blowing up the ship and a boiler room accident. -
Spanish American War
Happened because of Cuban Independence. The united States wanted to help Cuba gain their Independence. -
Teller Amendment
This said that once the United States defeated Spain, they would give Cuba their Independence. -
Annexation of Hawaii
Queen Liliuokalini is the ruler of Hawaii until the United States overthrows her.. This makes Cleveland feell bad. -
Open Door Policy
This was brought about by John Hay to help bring respect to China. -
Boxer Rebellion
This targetted CHristian missionaries and opposed outsiders. -
Election of 1900
This election was McKinley against Bryan. McKinley had to choose Roosevelt for his vice president against his will. -
Insular Cases
These said that new territories claimed by America would not automatically gain all United States rights. -
McKinley Assasination
Roosevelt has to take over in office after McKinley is killed. Rumors went around that McKinley would survive and recover. -
Beginning of Panama Canal Construction
After disputes they finally began. This canal would help the United States navy in several ways. -
Roosevelt Corollory
This was added by Roosevelt after the Venezuela Crisis -
Gentlemans Agreement
An agreement with Japan saying that the United States would not interfere with restrictions on Japanese immigration. -
Great White Fleet
The United States built new ships for our navy. We then took these ships around the world claiming it was to show we wanted peace. -
Root- Takahira Agreement
Agreement between the united states and Japan. Confirmed independence of China and territorial status. -
NAACP is founded
National Association for the advancement of Colored people is founded/ created.