Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus
America is accidentally discovered by Christopher Columbus and Europeans when they run into the Bahamas. -
Nov 12, 1497
John Cabot
John Cabot explored Northeastern coast of North America. -
Jun 21, 1513
Balboa comes across the Pacific Ocean. -
Feb 27, 1522
Juan de Ponce de Leon
Exploration of Florida and was thought that it was an island. -
Aug 2, 1540
Francisco Coronado
Discovery of two natural wonders, Grand Canyon and the Colorado River. -
Dec 13, 1565
St.Augustine, Florida
Spanish built a fort here. -
Sep 18, 1572
St.Bartholomew's Day
Thousands of Hugeanots were slaughtered. -
Finds Roanoke colony. -
English People
Had to begin colonial empire after treaty of peace was signed. -
Joint-stock companies started. -
Was founded by English settlers -
This was the first permanent French settlement in North America. -
John Smith
Took control and saved Virginia from calapsing, -
John Rolfe
Grew and sold/traded tobacco. -
Self-government and also slavery existed here. -
Was founded by Lord Baltimore. -
First college was built thanks to the help of the printing press. -
Act of Toleration
The Act of Toleration was passed (religion). -
These people become extinct after 2 wars. -
States seperate
North Carolina and South Carolina seperate making two royal colonies. -
Utrecht Peace Treaty
This rewarded Britain Acadia (Novia Scotia). -
Spanish expansion
Spanish began settlements in Texas. -
New Orleans
This became the most important French post. -
Benjamin Franklin's Journey
Journey lasting nine long days from Boston to Philadelphia. -
Georgia was discovered. -
Great Awakening
This was a religious revival started out by Johnathon Edwards with the help of Whitefield. -
Zenger Trials
Established freedom of the press when Zenger was proved not guilty. -
Louisburgh Treaty
French got Loiusburgh back from hBritiain making New England furious -
Washington at Fort Necessity
He surrendened, but it was the beginning of the French and Indian War. -
Albany, New York
British government started a congress here. -
William Pitt and James Wolfe
"Battle of Quebec" was a significant event in British and American history. -
Britain had this system to measure a country's power with gold and silver. They needed to export more than import. -
Stamp Tax
This affected American colonists because the British needed them to help pay off the debt from the war and to support their military. -
Boston "Massacre"
Sixty townspeople came across ten redcoats, and British opened fire, killing and/or wounding eleven. -
Establishment of central committees
Virginia started this with House of Burgesses. -
Boston Tea Party
People from Boston disguised as indians destroyed atleast 342 chests of tea at Boston Harbor. -
First Continental Congress
This was meant to discuss colonial grievances. -
Intolerable Acts and Quebec Act
These were passed at th esame time. Intolerable Acts affected Boston, and Quebec Acts affected the French and American colonists. -
Lexington Massacre
Boston troops went to Lexington and Concord to confront colonists, and shots were fired. -
Lord Dunmore
Virginia governor issued proclamation claiming freedom to black slaves who joined the British army. -
Anti-slavery society
Philadelphia Quakers founds this -
Common Sense
Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet so the people were exposed to Republicanism -
Declaration passed
Richard Henry Lee's resolution "the declaration of independence" is passes -
Declaration approved
Thomas Jerrson drafted the Declaration and Congress approved it to go into action -
Washington crossed the Delaware
Washington and his army was going to suprise Britain who were in New Jersey -
Surrender at Saratoga
Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga to Horatio Gates -
Treaty of Alliance
France offers America a treaty of alliance -
Armed Neutrality
Catherine the Great organized Armed Nuetrality to get nuetral people together to go against Britain -
Articles of Confederation
Colonists adopted this to attempt to stop fighting in the war. -
Surrender of American Revolutionary War
Cornwallis surrendered his entire army at Yorktown leaving Americans and French to a victory -
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Paris said Britain recognized independence of the US -
Land Ordinance
The Land Ordinance of 1785 said land should be surveyed and sold, and that money should go towards the national debt -
Annapolis Convention
This was to discuss/revise the Articles of Confederation -
Shays's Rebellion
Farmers got upset when they lost land because of taxes and higher mortgages -
Constitutional Convention
This started with 55 delegates from 12 states to create a new government for the US -
Signing of Constitution
39/55 original delegates signed, eventually all states signed -
Excise Tax
Alexander Hamilton put taxes on luxury items, especially whiskey -
Whiskey Rebellion
Distillers disagreed with Excise Tax and Washington had to get involved with sending 13,000 men to stop it -
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Britian didn't provide shelter for indians leading to Treaty of Grenville -
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
States should be able to "nullify" laws -
Exploration of the LA Territory
Lewis and Clark were sent by Jefferson to explore northern Loiusiana Purchase -
Treaty with Tripoli
Peace treaty with pirates that were unsatisfied with their pay for protection -
Exploration of LA territory
Zebulon Pike explored the southern part of the Louisiana Purchase and sighted the Colorado peak. -
Orders of Council
British enforced this law that everyone has to pass through British ports first before trades with others -
Aaron Burr arrested
Aaron was aarested for treason but got off, because he didn't actually commit the crime yet. Fleed to Britian and tried to get them to attack U.S. -
Madison's Presidency
Madison became president and enforced certains acts such as Macon's Bill following the Embargo and Non-Intercourse Act throughout that year. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison built an army to fight against Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa -
War of 1812 begins
Madison declares war against Britain -
Oliver Hazard Perry defeats British
One of U.S.'s best naval office defends atLake Eerie and captured a British fleet -
Napolean exiled
Napolean exiled to Elba island leaving British able to come in U.S. -
Britain's second force at Bladensburgh,capital, and Ft.McHenry. Francis Key Scott was inspired to write "The Star Spangled Banner" -
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty that officially ended the War of 1812 -
Hartford Convention
Secret meeting to discuss grievances lasted 3 weeks -
New Orleans
Andrew Jackson defends New Orleans from the British -
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Put an end to border fortification, Canada and America shared 5,527miles of boundary -
Panic of 1819
America's first extremely bad national economic depression -
McCulloch vs. Maryland Case
Said that no one can charge a tax on bank notes,because it's unconstitutional -
Missouri Compromise
South was slave states with Missouri being an exception while 36 degrees, 30 minutes North were free states -
Monroe Doctrine
Monroe and Adams said to foreign countries:
noncolonization and nonintervention -
American System
Henry Clay's system with 3 main parts:
Banking system,protective tariff, and improvements on roads -
New Party
Democratic Party arises -
Noah Webster
First dictionary -
South Carolina Exposition
John Calhoun wrote this to get rid of the Tariff of Abominations -
Joseph Smith
Founder of Mormon Church -
Cyrus McCormick
Invention of the machanical reaper -
Indian Removal Act
Forcing indians to their new territory so whites can take over the area they want -
American Anti-Slavery Society
Group gathered and founded this movement to stop slavery (Mostly Northerners) -
End of Biddle's Bank
Jackson didn't want to risk Biddle manipulating the bank, so he removed federal deposits from the vaults of the Bank of U.S. -
Houston's victory
Texas won against Mexico and won against Santa Anna, even though they were badly outnumbered -
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Established to administer relations with America's original inhabitants -
William Henry Harrison
The Whigs chose him as their candidate, because they thought he could get alot of votes -
Financial Panic
Symptom of the financial sickness -
John Deere
Invention of steel plow -
Presidency and Bank
Martin Van Buren loses election against Harrison and Independent Treasury arises -
Dorthea Dix
Petition standing behind people suffering from mental inesses -
Elias Howe
Invention of sewing machine -
Seneca Falls
Woman's Rights Convention -
Know- Nothing Party
New party formed and Star Spangled Banner -
Potato famine
Irish moves to U.S., because they can't survive without their potatos -
Maine passes first law against liquor -
Dred-Scott Decision
Slave tries to sue for freedom and loses. Supreme Court rules that slaves are property, therefor can be taken anywhere, and slaves have no right to sue. -
Election of 1856
James Buchanan (Dem.) wins against John Freemont (Rep.) and Fillmore (Know- Nothings) -
Charles Sumner beaten
Brooks beats up Sumner for insulting his friend Butler, and ends up with no power in Congress -
John Brown attacks
John Brown gets army and killed 5 anti-slavery people at Pottawatomie Creek -
The Impending Crisis of the South
Written by Hinton R. Helper saying nonslaveholding whites were suffering the most from slavery -
Lecompton Constitution
Scheme from Pro-slavery people, consisted of clause saying slavery in Kansas no matter what -
Financial Crash of 1857
Mass inflation from gold, crash of underground railroad, overspeculation -
Election of 1860
Lincoln wins against Douglas, John Breckonwidge, and John Bell -
South starts to suceed
South Carolina suceeds from union, domino affect, Crittenden Compromise attempts to keep from suceeding but fails -
Fort Sumter attacked
The Carolinians opened fire on the forts with support of people in Charleston, because it blocked the Atlantic seaport -
Merrimack vs. Monitor
End wooden ships for battles,were outlined by metal, fought to a standstill -
Ulysses S. Grant
Became colonel of union.First victory was he captured Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Was defeated by a Confederate force at the Battle of Shiloh. Command of the Union forces attacking Vicksburg. The city fell and surrendered -
Start of Seven Days' Battles
McClellan and his army start at Yorktown, and he wants Richmond. Lee won by splitting up McClellan's army -
Battle of Anteitam
McClellan wants invasion in Maryland so they secede and join to union. Fought to a draw, Lee could not win, made South's hopes for foreign help over -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln stated that the war was now being fought over slavery now and that all blacks should be free -
Battle at Chancellorsville, Virginia
Union forces caught in crossfire, Jackson is badly hurt, however, confederates win, Meade takes Hooker's place -
Battle at Gettysburg
Lee concentrated on union line because he wanted to divide forces, but Picketts charge allowed Lincoln and north to win -
Battle of Fredrickburg
Men went across narrow bridges and charged into enemies so they don't waste time, Burnside left command. First blacks given opportunity to fight -
Election of 1864
Andrew Johnson won against McClellan, one of the most crushing losses suffered by South -
Democratic Party in North split
After Stephen A. Douglas died, the party split between those who supported Lincoln War Democrats and those who didn't Peace Democrats. Copperheads were radical Peace Democrats. -
Black Codes
Mississippi passed first law, Aimed to ensure a stable labor which forced blacks to continue to work the plantations due to the system of "sharecropping." -
Freedmen's Bureau
Created by Congress to provide clothing, medical care, food, and education to both freedmen and white refugees -
Appomattox Courthouse
Grant captured Richmond and cornered Lee. Lee was forced to surrender effectively ending the Civil War. -
Lincoln's assassination
Lincoln was shot at Ford's theater by John Wilkes Boothe -
KKK founded
formed by white southerners angered about blacks becoming free, worked through cruelty -
Reconstruction Act
Divided the south into 5 military districts -
Purchase of Alaska
William Seward bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. -
Johnson's almost impeachment
Johnson was almost impeached because he went against the Tenure of Office Act and dismissed Stanton from secretary of war, Senate kept it from happening -
15th Amendment
Gave the right to black men to vote -
Electoral Count Act
Passed by Congress, set up an electoral commission consisting of 15 men selected from the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court. It was made to determine which party would win the election.