Battle of Concord
Battle of Lexington
Second Continental Congress
American's capture garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point
colonies formally in rebellion
Common sense
Declaration of Independence
Battle of Trenton
Battle of Brandywine
Battle of Saratoga
Articles of Confederation
Cornwallis surrender in Yorktown
Articles of Confederation put in effect
Treaty of Paris
Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
constitution put in effect
Judiciary Act of 1789
Washington elected President
French Revolution begins
Convention of 1800
Jefferson reelected
Impeachment of Jusice Chase
Lewis and Clark
treaty of tripoli
Burr treason trail
pike's Exploraion
Embargo Act
Madison elected
Non-Intecourse Act
Fletcher vs.Pike
Battle of Tippecanoe
US declares war on Britain
Madison reelectd
Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of Thames
Battle of Plattsburgh
Traty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
Cohens vs. Virgina
Russo-Ameican TReaty of 1824
Nat turners rebellion
Virgina legislature debates slavery
british abolish slavery
Gag resolution
canadian rebellion
Caroline incident
liberty party
Harrison dies
aroostook war
polk as president
annexe Texas
Walker Tariff
Treasury restored
Oregon dispute settle
Mexican war
free soil party
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends Mexican war
Taylor as president
wins against Cass and Van Buren -
California Gold Rush
Fillmore as president
Fillmore as president after taylor's death