Collapse of the Soviet Union

  • Gorbachev becomes Secretary General of the USSR

  • Gorbachev implements Glasnost and perestroika

  • Gorbachev stops intervening in Foreign country's hastening the end of he cold war.

  • Singing Revolution In the Baltics as people make a human chain and protest Soviet Rule. This ends in their Independence

  • The Berlin wall falls and reunites Germany and Berlin

  • Yeltsin Become President of the Russian Federation.

  • Soviet Troops kill 14 civilians and injure hundreds more in Latvia and Lithuania

  • A coup Detat against Gorbachev happens in Moscow headed by other communists.

  • The Coup is broken

  • Gorbachev gives a farewell speech about the Soviet Unions Collapse and resigns as leader of the USSR and brings the empire to a close.