A.D. Fall of Han Dynasty
The Hans fought in a war against the Huns for two centuries. THis war was very expensive and weakened their military. Once the Hans defeated the Huns they had a very weak military and little money to expand and fix it, -
A.D. Fall of Gupta Empire-
A.D. Fall of Roman Empire- military
As the Roman empire began to fall apart due to the large increase of land territory so did the military. The militatry had become weak and small because families were not having many children. More importantly at the time male sons because they wanted to keep their latifundias close and not broken up. WIth a small army and a large empire it was hard to prevent invasions. To try and help their army to become stronger emperors would hire mercinaries to fight for them. -
A.D. Fall of Roman Empire- Split
The empire had become far to big to protect from foreign invasions and to keep fighting amognst themselves undercontrol. This lead Diocletian to split the empire into two, western and eastern. Each was ruled by two emperors along with two Ceasars. These Ceasars began to kill their empereors to gain power. The western empire entered a dark age and forgot how to make concrete and write. While the Eastern flourished but became known as the Byzantine Empire.