Crisis of the Third Century
(235-285) This was a period when the Roman empire almost collapsed under the pressures of invasion, plague, civil war, and economic depression.It started when Roman empire, Alexander Severus, was assassinated. Then the Roman empire sank into a civil war that lasted 50 years. During the war, one emperor, Valerian, was captured and his son succeeded. Then the German governor rebelled. In 272, Emperor Aurelian regained most of the lands lost, but the army was defeated. -
Attack of Huns
515 AD- By this time, the Huns reached the Ganges Valley and central India by destroying everything in their path thereby clearing out their way so as to establish their empire.After the Huns invaded, the Gupta empire declined rapidly. -
Huns invade
540-550AD – The Huns spread themselves so far that Gupta military forces couldn't keep up with the invasion. By 500, the majority of the Northwest had been taken over by the Huns. Even though they had been hurt, the Guptas still resisted the Huns. The invasion of the Huns eventually resulted in the decline of the Gupta Empire -
Confucianism established
Confucianism was officially established as the basis for the Chinese by ruler Han Wudi. Change in belifefs is a common way to end a strong dynastyor empire. China had gotten rid of the idea of Legalism and needed a new major belief system so Confucianism was established. -
Diocletian splits empire/created tetrarchy
(285-313) Diocletian was proclaimed emperor or the Roman empire, and ruled the entire empire as sole empire. He split the empire into two parts and needed a system to govern both. He established a system for governing the empire for rulers known as a tetrarchy, where there were 2 senior emperors (Augusti) and 2 junior emperors (Caesars) with 1 senior and junior emperor (designated heir).