Colin c

  • 211


    i got my first xbox i got for a christmas present
  • super bowl

    super bowl
    the super bowl xxxix was in Jacksonville florida and the New england Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles went to head to head and the patriots won the game.
  • Birth year

    I was born on a rainy day at 11:00 at griffin hospital derby ct
  • bad storm

    hurricane katrina catogory 5 hurricane
  • birthday

    i had my first birthday at my old house in ansonia but today i moved to a new house.
  • vacation

    i went to my dads home country in Ecuador and i met my family that was still there.
  • games

    my first gaming system is ps3 and me and my brother shared it
  • school

    i went to school at mead school fro 1st grade to 6st grade and i went to head start for pre-k
  • sports

    i played soccer in ansonia and we won the championships and i have 3 medals
  • world series

    the chicago cubs and the cleveland indians went to base ball and the cubs won the series
  • football game

    i went to a New England Patriots game at gillette stadium for my birthday it was so fun that was my first football game of nfl
  • moving day

    i moved from my old house to a new house becuse my brother moved out and i can have my own room and the old room was to big.Also i did not have a tv or xbox and ps4
  • shows

    I went to a live show wwe monday night Raw at the Xl center in Hartford ct and that was for my birthday in april.also i went to one in april 2018 and i took my cousin to see it becuse he never went to a live show before.