colin anderson

  • Declaration of Independance

    The Declaration of independance is what made our country its own country. it was signed after we won the revolutionary war.
  • Monroe doctrine

    Monroe doctrine
    The monroe doctrine was a message that warned the european countries not to interfere with the affairs of the western hemisphere.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    The Roosevelt Corollary is a corollary to the monroe doctrine theat was articulafied by president Roosevelt.
  • WWI

    WWI was the worlds first global conflict. It was the the first world war. Over 9 million people died.
  • Good Neighbor Policy

    Good Neighbor Policy
    The Good Neighbor Policy is when president Roosevelt took office determined to improve relationships between Central and south america.
  • WWII

    WWII is the second world war it is the most deadly and widespread war ever. Involving over 30 countries over 50 million died,
  • Pearl Harbor

    Hundreds of Japaneese fighter planes attacked Pearl Harbor. More than 2,000 soldiers died.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    The bombing of hiroshima is when we bombed a city in Japan in WWII. It wiped out more that 90% of the city and kiled 80,000 people.
  • Truman doctrine

    It was a united states policy to stop Soviet expansion during the cold war.
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    In this war t was against comminism we joined south korea's side. The goal was to destroy comminism.
  • Eisnen hower Doctrine

    The Eisenhower doctrine stated that if any country could request american economic assistance or aid from US forces it was being threatened by armed aggression from another state.
  • Cuban missle crisis

    Cuban missle crisis
    The US spy plane located missles in Cuba pointed at the US. But they were placed by the soviet union.
  • Vietnam War

    The Vietnam war was a war that involved South Vietnam and the US. Against North Vietnam and all of their allies. It was a war against comminism.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a terrorist attack in which 4 planes were highjacked. The terrorist destroyed 3 buildings including the twin towers and the pentagon.
  • War on terror

    War on terror
    The war on terror is our war against all of the terrorist who are against the US. This first started with 9/11 and is going on right now with ISIS
  • Airstrikes on isis

    Airstrikes on isis
    Airstrikes on isis are airstrikes that we are placing in iraq because that is where isis is. ISIS is a group of terrorists which stands for islamic state in Iraq and Syria.