1979 BCE
The renewed conflict and the end of Cold Wa
The USA developed nuclear missiles which could be launched from almost anywhere. They also developed the Strategic Defence Initiative for using laser weapons to shoot down soviet missiles from space. The USSR could not afford the increasing militar spending The USSR began to change its policies. Mikhail Gorbachev came to power and brought some changes:
-Disarmament treaty was signed so the USA and the USSR agreed to remove medium-range nuclear missiles from Europe within 3years. -
1972 BCE
The renewed conflict and the end of Cold War
The USSR and the USA agreed to limit their nuclear weapons and they signed the strategic Arms Limitation Talks Agreement). They planned more arms limitation but the USA refused to sign agreement after the soviet invasion of Afghanistan.The USSR began to change its policies.Mikhail Gorbachev came to power and brought some changes:-disarmament treaty was signed so the USA and the USSR agreed to remove medium-range nuclear missiles from Europe within 3 year. -
1962 BCE
Cuban missile crisis
The world was on the brink of nuclear war, but on the last minute Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba only if the US promised not to place missiles in Turkey near the Soviet border. Kennedy lifted the blockade and promised not to invade Cuba. After this a telephone hot-line was set up between
the Kremlin and the White House -
1962 BCE
Cuban missile crisis 1962
Cuba, which was only 100 miles away from the USA, had been ruled by a military dictator, Batista. He allowed American businessmen and the Mafia to make huge profits in a country where most people lived in poverty.A rebel named Fidel Castro attempted to overthrow the government, but was defeated and forced into exile.The USA cut off diplomatic relations with Cuba. -
1954 BCE
Vietnam War
Chinese support helped to establish a Communist government in North Vietnam.South East Asia had been controlled by France, but French forces were completely defeated by the North Vietnamese By the Geneva Agreement France withdrew
from Indochina,losing their Empire.Vietnam was partitioned into the communist North and the democratic South.President Nixon wanted to finish the war quickly. American troops were gradually withdrawn from Vietnam.As a result they began heavy bombing of North Vietnam. -
1953 BCE
When Stalin died he was succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev,who began a process of De-Stalinization to fight the abuse of power of cult of personality of the previous leader.The relations with the capitalist bloc enhanced a lot in this period. However there were some critical moments due to Cuba or Berlin.Leonid Brezhnev led the USSR between Khrushchev’s death.He stopped all Khrushchev’s reforms. His external policy switched from coexistence to tension with the USA. -
1950 BCE
Korea 1950-1953
Before the Second World War Korea was a colony of Japan. Japan was defeated and Korea was divided into North and South Korea along the 38th parallel.The North was communist and the South was under the influence of the USA and had an anti-communist dictatorship.Communist North Korea went to war with South Korea
in order to reunite the country.The USA and the Western powers intervened on behalf of the United Nations to stop the spread of communism and sent North Koreans back North -
1949 BCE
The Cold War
The Cold War was a state of political and military
tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc and powers in the Eastern Bloc.Historians do not fully agree on the dates,but a common time frame is the period between 1947, the year the Truman Doctrine was announced,and 199,the year the Soviet Union collapse.The USA and the USSR were now the
major superpowers in the world but they were very different and this ended in a diplomatic conflict called the Cold War. -
1948 BCE
Eastern Europe
Poland,Hungary,Romania,Czechoslovakia,Albania and Bulgariahad pro-soviet Communist governments controlled by USSR.Under this goverments big companies and banks were nationalised and heavy industry was developed.
The land was distribute among the peasents.All this People's Republics were integrated into Comecon.
-Yugoslavia had a Communist government,led by Josip
Tito,but it was not pro-soviet,so Stalin opposed Tito ́s power.
-Polish workers in Poznan went on strike. -
1948 BCE
The Cold Ward 2
The USSR and the West disagreed over Berlin:
The Western allies agreed to a single government in their zones.
The Soviet Union was opposed to these moves. Stalin
wanted to keep Germany as weak as possible so he decided to blockade Berlin: Berlin was in Eastern Germany.Stalin ordered that all land communication between West Berlin and the outside world should be cut off.They survived because they could obtain supplies from the outside world by air. -
1947 BCE
The Cold War
The Cold War was a state of political and military
tension after World War II between powers in
the Western Bloc and powers in the Eastern Bloc.Histo
rians do not fully agree on the dates,but a common timeframe is the period between 1947,the year the Truman Doctrine was announced, and 1991,the year the Soviet Union collapsed.The term "cold" is used because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides, although there were major regional wars supported by the two sides -
1946 BCE
Some European democracies agreed on the foundation of some common to create a European identity: The British Prime Minister, suggested in 1946 that Europe could compete with the USA and the USSR as a leading nation.The French Minister of Foreign Affairs,proposed the creation of a common market of coal and steel to avoid rivalries and to be more competent. -
1945 BCE
Between 1945 and 1960 there were many anti-communist measures implement by the Republican presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower.
The democrat Jonh Fitzgerald Kennedy became the president in 1961 and tensions with the eastern bloc were reduce. -
1945 BCE
Stop the spread of Communism
The USA was worried about the spread of communism. President Truman was determined to stop the spread of Communism in two main ways:
1.He promised that the USA would support any nation threatened by a communist invasion. This was called the Truman doctrine. The USA helped the Monarchy during the Greek Civil War.
2.He promised American aid to European countries to help rebuild their damaged economies. This aid was called the Marshall Plan.