The Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was created by Presdent Harry S. Truman, and the Doctrine stated that the United States would provide political, military, and economic assistant to all democratic nations under threat from authoritarian forces. The Doctrine effectively reoriented U.S. foreign policy away from its usual stance of withdrawal from regional conflicts,that do not directly involve the United State's possible intervention in distant conflicts. -
The Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was created in efforts to help rebuild Europe due to the aftermath of WWII. The U.S felt compelled to help Europe due to post war Europe now being the perfect place to influence and control the region with communist leaders and ideas. Due to this scare, funding was approved for western Europe through the Economic Cooperation Act in 1948. The act eventualy sky-rocketed funding to rebuild Europe to over 12 billion dollars in effort again to help future allies, and to allow Europe -
Marshal Plan Continued..
Western Europe, which eventually costed America a total oof 12 billion dollars all in effort to keep Europe from being victim to the domino effect. -
Berlin Airlift
Creation of NATO
In 1949, the rising expantion in communism lead America and eleven western nations to for the North Atlantic Treaty Orginizstion. The purpose of forming and creating an agreement for NATO was formed to create a collective deffense against agression. The Soviet Union and its alliance communist nations later in 1955 formed a rival alliance that was the opposite of NATO and was called the Warsaw Pact. -
Roesnberg Spy Case
Julius and Ethel Roosenburg were a married couple during the Cold War who were charged with espionage and put to death in the electric chair. At the time the Roosenburgs were waiting a couple of days in prison before they were sent to die, their case had started a huge debate on if putting the couple to death was ethical or just. Many would say that the winner of the debate was President Dwight D. Eisenhower when he spoke to the whole country about his opinion on the Roosenburg spys. -
Roosenburg Spy Case Continued....
He stated, “I can only say that, by immeasurably increasing the chances of atomic war, the Rosenbergs may have condemned to death tens of millions of innocent people all over the world. The execution of two human beings is a grave matter. But even graver is the thought of the millions of dead whose deaths may be directly attributable to what these spies have done.” His pupose was clear and he always found the need to vallidate his points with evidence which strengthened his argument immensely. -
Launch of Sputnik
The launch of the satelite Sputnick I in 1957 caused a great amount of commotion from the U.S due to the citizens being scared of how our president had let us fall so far behind in technalogical advacements. The republicans then proved what the United States could to for technology compared to Russia by creating their own satelite, The Explorer i, and having the first man on the moon which launched a full on space race between the Soviet Union and North America. -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs invasion began when a CIA financed groupo of Cuban refugees landed in Cuba in attempt to overthrow the communist goverment along with Cuba's leader at the time, Fidel Castro. Which end up to a miserable attempt. Fidel was a leader that concerned the U.S every since he took the role of leader in Cuba because of Castro's communist ways, want to be closer to the Soviet Union, and his attacks on U.S companies and interest in Cuba made Castro an enemy to the western hemisphere. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a dangerous, scary, and heated confrontation beteen the United States and Sovie Union during the Cold War and was the closest they ever got to actually using nuclear conflict during the war. The conflict all began after the Bay of Pigs, when Kennedy was plotting another suprise attack on Cuba, the U.S discovered the construction of these missiles and ordered through a letter for all missiles to be returned to the U.S.S.R and any being built were to be dismantaled.