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Revolt in Czechoslovakia
The Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia. The Soviet Union led Warsaw troops in the invasion to crack down the reformist trends of the Prague. -
Iron Curtain Speech
Winston Churchill was concerned with the Soviet Union -
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Berlin Blockade
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Korean War
A war between North Korea and South Korea that started because of the difference in governments. The South was a non-communist country as to where the North was communist. North Korean got help from the Soviet Union but were quickly overran be the South and the United States. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Kennedy Administration was faced with a serious foreign crisis. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev saw an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the Soviet Union and Fidel Castro's Cuba and make good its promise to defend Cuba from the United States. -
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Cultural Revolution
Mao Zedong started to have young adolescents (The Red Guard) rebel against the system, he did this to be able to regain authority in the Chinese government.