House Un-American Activities Committee (HUCA)
This was put into action to see if people in teh country or government officals have ties with communist things. If accused things could go very bad. -
War Powers Act
Congress can limit the President's use of military forces. States that the President must tell Congress within 48 hours if he sends armed forces and Congress must give approval. -
G.I Bill
Apart of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act 1944. This was put into action so that veterans and soldiers than served could recieve benefits from the governemnt. Such as education, money, medical attention. -
Baby Boom Generation
Lots of births happened around this time. Approx. 78.3 million Americans were born during this time. The babies were considered 1% of the population at the time. -
Iron Curtain
During the Cold War, this was the invisible boundary line this was a way for the Soviet Union to separate itself from the rest. -
Cold War
Happened shortly after WW2, this started because of war propagande between the Soviet Union and the U.S. Basically both nations were paranoid on whether or not they should trust each other. Witha few minor battles the tension was resolved -
Truman Doctrine
American foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical hegemony during the Cold War. A way for all nations under the threat of the Soviet Union to reach out for help -
Containment Policy
A U.S. doctrine, based on the belief that all communit governemnts will fall apart if kept isolated. -
Marshall Plan
This was set up to help European countries with finicial aid after WW2. This helped the countries economically to help get back to normal -
Berlin Airlift
Military plans brought food and supplies to West Berlin by air after the government of East Germany, cut off supplies. -
North Atlantic Organization (NATO)
An intergovernmental military alliance based on the NATO. This was made to block the threat of military aggression in Europe by the Soviet Union. -
1950s Prosperity and culture
During the 1950s, a large build of the suburbs were made, they were call leviittowns. Soliders returning from war were encourged to settle down and start a family. A lot of things were stereotypical, women were stay-at-home moms and took care of the kids while dad was a work. Since everything was so uniform, people used crazy, nice, bright, cars to express themselves. -
The Beatniks started in the 1950s to the mid 1960s. They were made up of young people, commonlu referred to as teenagers. who belonged to the beat generation. -
Domino Theory
The Domino Theory was set into place when North and South Vietnam began to fight. The U.S. feared that if Vietnam went communist, eventually all the other countries around it would too. -
Rock n' Roll
Popular dance music with heavy beat and simple melodies. Rock and roll was an amalgam of black rhythm and blues and white country music, usually based on a twelve-bar structure and an instrumentation of guitar, bass, and drums. -
Rust Belt and Sun Belt
The Rust Belt was named for the region near the upper Northeastern United States
The Sun belt was given to the southern US from California to Florida, for having a lot of sunshine. People moved here for warmer weather and better farming land. -
Accusing people of treason etc. without evidence. ("the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.") -
Korean War
North and South Korea went to war with eachother. North Korea fought to have the country a full communist nation. The U.S. fought side by side with the South against it. -
Rosenberg Trial
A trial for an American couple who was executed in the Soviet Union. Most believe that they were innocent becuse they did not support communist rule. Also they were Jewish. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eisenhower was the 34th persident of the United States. He was also a five star general in WW2, and a Supreme commander for the Allied Forces. -
Ray Kroc
He started off as a successful business man and philanthropist. When he joined McDonald's, he helped it grow into one fo the most prosperous fast food restaurants today. -
Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk was a medical researcher who discovered the cure for Polio. This helped saved thosands of lives and still continues to save lives today. -
Vietnam War and The Fall of Saigon
This was when America fought side by side with South Vietnam against North Vietnam because they didn't want to become a communist nation. In the end, U.S. troops pulled out and South Vietnam was taken over by North Vietnam, resulting in a communist nation. The Fall of Saigon was when Saigon was taken over by Vietnam. -
Interstate Highway Act
Authorized the construction of 42,000 miles of interstate highways linking all the nation's major cities. -
Space Race
The Space Race was a race between the Soviet Union and the U.S. that ended in 1975. We were in race to see who could do the "first" things in space, The first object, the first man in space, the first man on the moon, etc. -
1960's Culture
The 1960's was when people began to break free from conformity. This was considered the hippie age. People wore more patterns, listened to funky music and drove vibrant cars. Women began to dress in shorter clothing etc. This was all about being content and chillllll with life. -
John F. Kennedy
He was the 35th president of the United States and also served as an American politician. He was assassinated in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald. -
Bay of Pigs
An unsuccessful invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles, supported by the U.S. government. This made America look weak. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This lasted about 13 days and was a conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over missiles. The Soviet Union deployed missiles in Cuba and US saw that as a threat. -
Lyndon B. Johnson
He served as the 36th president of the United States, oftec referred to as LBJ. He also served as the Vice President in 1961, under JFK. -
Betty Friedan
Credited with helping cause next spark to the start of American Feminism. The author of a book calle "The Feminine Mystique". -
Anti-War Movement Starts
People are fighting and resisting the draft. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
This was put out when President Johnson was in office. It was made so that the military, navy, airforce etc. could take the neccesary mearsures to protect themselves/ America from southeast Asia. -
Great Society
A domestic program ithat instituted federally sponsored social welfare programs. This helped those suffering in poverty and advance civil rights. -
Miranda v. Arizona
Supreme Court detained criminal suspects, because of the questioning, must be informed of their constitutional right to an attorney and against self-incrimination. -
Tet Offensive
A large well known history campaign for the Vietnam war. This wound up soldiers to go against the South Vietnamese. -
Abbie Hoffman
Served as an American political and social activist. Also known for cofounding the Youth International Party .Wrote a few books and/or movies. -
Roy Benavidez
Apart of the United States Army Special Forces and retired United States Army master sergeant. He received the Medal of Honor for his duties in South Vietnam. -
Richard NIxon
The the 37th President of the United States, he became the only U.S. President to resign from office in 1974. -
1970 Culture
The style was still loud, but this was more of a disco age than a hippie age. People danced the disco and wore funky jumpsuits while rollerblading. Gold was the bling thing as so was bushy hair and aviator glasses. -
Put into action when Nixon was in office. This was when President Nixon pulled all of U.S. troops out of Vietnam and let them fend and tkae control for themselves. -
26th Amendment
U.S. citizens of 18 or older cannot be denied by the law to vote in any of the states. -
1980 culture
This was the generation were teenagers went a little wild. Hair was big and so was makeup. Virbant makeup with crimped hair and leg warmers could sum up this time. People wore tight pants, all the time, boys and girls both.