investigate disloyalty and subversibe activiyes on citizens. -
iron curtain
it was an invisible line dividing europe into two parts from the end of world war 2 until the end of the cold war in 1991 -
war powers act
it increased federal power in ww2 -
Marshall Plan
it was an american initiative to aid weaterne europe. the U.S gave 13 billions dollars away. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
He led the massive ivasion of nazi, occupied europe. Leading republicans that he ran for president, and sewed in the white house for 2 years. -
making accusations without having any prove of being guilty. aslo using unfair investigations. -
ray kroc
opened the first mc. donalds at age 52, but was originally funded in 1940. he made a fortune and amassed 500 million within his life time. -
containment policy
the first major policy during the cld war and used numerous stragedies to prevent the spread of communism abroad. -
cold war
state of political and military tension after ww2, several countries turning against each other but sparking a flame. -
Truman Doctrine
it was made to counter soviet geopolitical hagemony during the cold war. -
berlin airlift
rissia took over geramany , Berlin was located for inside Soviet-controlled eastern germany . The u.s started getting planes in, bringing food and help to the people inside, but at the same time tempting russia. -
it was created to unify and strengthen the western allies. -
it expresses a different type of person. it introduces, drug use, a cartoon of real life people etc. -
g.i bill (act of 1944)
it was passed to help veterans, who came back from war and didn't have jobs, to aid them etc. -
1950's preosperity
the us had the world's most strongest military.the economy was booming, new products were being made, everything was raising its bars. -
korean war
fought bewtween north and south korea.the soviet supported north, and the u.s south korea. -
great society
the people came together, the houses were all the same, and everything seemsed original. -
rosenburg trail
a russion couple was accused of spilling secrets about nuclear weapons to the russions. -
jonas salk
Discovers the polio vaccine against polio. A virus that causes the crippling disease of polio. -
26th amendment
changed a portion of the 14th amendment. -
the soviet growed by the minute in nuclear weapons , between 2 countries. people atrted hearing things, and everyonw wanted something nuclear, to be prepared. -
interstate highway act
president dwight signed it , known as the national act. -
anti war mvement include
opposition to particular nations decisions to start or carry on an armed conflict. -
bay of pigs
the united states sent trained cuban exiles to cuba and to try and overthrow fidel castro's government. -
John f. kennedy
American politican who served as the 35th president of the united states, until he was assasinated in November 1963 -
baby boom generation
family's were easier together, and more babbies were born in that time period, it was like a tradition. -
cuban missle crisis
russia had missles too close to the united states, they placed them in cuba, so the U.S placed them in turkey, it was a ar that never had heat. -
betty friedan
she believed in the women's rights, and that she was ready to let go of being a housewife. -
gulf of tonkin resolution
it gave president johnson to take anything to have peace in south east asia . and have it secured. -
miranda vs arizona
establishing the principle that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights over interrogation. -
Lyndon B. Johnson
took over jfk in the office. he escalated rapidly the invovment of the U.S in the vietnam war. -
tet offensive 1968
more than 100 acity ttacks in south vietnam . -
roy binavidez
he was a member of the united states army force. He recieved a medal of honor for his actions in combat. -
Abbie Hoffman
he was a 60's yippie that fought for the liberties, that america wasn't giving us.things that we lost during the cold war. -
richard nixon
nixon had the idea of putting missle submarines against the soviets, because they had missles that weren't for us, but were too close too us. -
domino theory
basically if one falls, the other falls as well. so if one country was communist, the countries surrounding it will become communist as well. -
rustbelt and sunbelt
used to define regions of the united states. -
50's 60's 70's 80's
it was an era full of msuic and growth, more families more baby's more love. crime and rock and roll mad more sense, artist making their way to the top. -
richard nixon was involved in this. it was created to end the u.s involvement i the vietnam war. -
vietnam war
the united states was included in everything . the attacked the city of saigon, which they're rule was kill evrything that moves. -
rock and roll
it was a time were music made it's mark. and rock and roll showed that you were strong and knew how to have fun, teenagers used it the most.