House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
The House Un-American Activities Committee was created to investigate and identify all disloyal associates in America. After the Red Scare and all of the inner turmoil within America Joseph McCarthy sparked allegations against several people causing the start of the HUAC. The HUAC was supposed to dispose disloyal people due to fear -
G.I Bill (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
The G.I Bill was the Benefits given to returning Veterans after Worl War 2. Some of the benefits received were Education and Training wavers. Many Men were supplied with housing and cars after the war and were relocated in Levittown. -
Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was the Name of the boundary line that divided Europe into two regions after Cold War. The Iron gates was created to block itself and its satellite states from open contact with the West and non Soviet areas. During ChurchHill's speech he mentioned the iron Curtain as a way to reach out to the British and detach himself from the Soviets -
Baby Boomer Generation
Right after World War 2 when soldiers came back from war several settled down with theirs significant others. the overproduction of children across the nations resulted in the Baby Boomer. Many people from the baby boomer generation will be as old as 53 to 71 in 2017 -
Containment Policy
The Containment Policy was governed by the United States was in response to suspicions of the Soviet Union After The cold War. The containment policy was formed to prevent the spread of communism. The containment policy proved to be a success and a failure in Vietnam and cuba -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was established by President Truman during his reign. This Doctrine was created to provide Political, Military and Economic assistance to all democratic nations. The Truman Doctrine had some success although it was not able to end of prevent communism from spreading. -
After The War many soldiers were granted a plat of land with a house and a car. Levittown was the name of the suburb region that most families in the 50s settled down. Levittowns were created by William J. Levitt, -
Cold War
The Cold War was the battle between The United States and The Soviet Union. Their were many causes for the cold war and one of them were the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings that were located extremely close to Russia. America won the Cold War in the year of 1989. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was created to help out countries in Weastern Europe that were depleted after the War. The Marshall Plan was initially called the Economic Recovery Act of 1948 and was signed by president Truman. The Marshall Plan helped support several countries with the fund of 18 billion dollars. -
Belin Airlift
The Belin Airlift was created in response the the blockade that was placed on Belin. The Belin Airlift helped prevent Berlin from falling into the control of the Soviet Union after World War 2. The Berlin Airlift was America's way of aiding Berlin. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization was an intergovernmental military alliance. It involved Twelve countries total and was sponsored by The United States. The Main purpose of NATO was to defend each other from the possibility of communist Soviet Union taking control of their nation. -
Rock n Roll
Rock n Roll is a type of popular dance music that originated in the 1950's. Rock n Roll originated from African American's and was considered to be the devil music and was viewed as a bad genre just like jazz. Many important Rock n Roll figures include Elvis Presley , Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley -
1950's Prosperity
The economy overall grew by 37% during the 1950s. Also during the 1950s the start of Rock music boomed. He prosperity was able to create a widespread stability in the nation. -
McCarthyism is a practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations. McCarthyism derived from the Joseph McCarthy a man who started made the Red Scare to be bigger than it initially was. McCarthy had a speech using mcCarthyism to blame innocent political figures. -
A Beatnik was an individual that didn't abide by the normal society's rules. Due to social conformity many Beatniks were unique and different so they were viewed as Rebels. Beatniks are also seen to be very similar to the modern hippies. -
Korean War
The Korean war sprung off due to North Korea invading South Korea. As a result America came to give aid to south Korea so that they could beat the communist and put a stop to the spread of it. The reasoning for North Korea invading south Korea was to unite the two territories. -
Rosenburg Trial
Julius Rosenburg was accused for committing treason against his country and sharing information with the Soviet forces. Both Julius and his wife were executed. The Rosenburg's tried to have the verdict overturned for two years. -
Domino Theory
The Domino Theory is a theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries. The Domino Theory led the mind set that communist would take over one country until communism spread world wide. This also relates to the cause of the RedScare. President Dwight D. Eisenhower described the domino theory in a conference as a falling domino principal -
Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk was an extremely prominently known scientist in the twentieth century. He created the first successful Polio Vaccination. The Polio Vaccination Helped several me,n women and kids across America. -
Ray Kroc
Ray Kroc is an american businessmen who started out as a milkshake salesman. Later on in Life he joined a local chain in the McDonald's food industry. McDonal's became one of the most successful Fast food chains in America and spread world wide -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was also known as the second Indochina War/ Resistance War Against America. The Vietnam War started out with the north Vietnamese individuals fought against the french resulting in the americans joining in to help their allies. The Vietnam war involved the United States, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines, New Zealand, Thailand, Kingdom of Laos and Republic of China. -
Interstate Highway Act
The Interstate Highway Act was enacted by congress when President Eisenhower signed a bill into the law. The Interstate system was created to help expand the transportation access to the american people. The Interstate program created new sources of highway revenue and increased employment rate. -
Dwight D Eisenhower
Dwight D Eisenhower was an american politician that served as the 34th President of The United States. He was able to obtain a truce with Korea. Dwight D Eisenhower also created a doctrine that would protect any country against a communist nation. -
Space Race
The Space Race was the competition of two rivaling nations ,The US and The Soviet Union. The Space Race started due to the Soviets launching sputnik. Sputnik was the world's first satellite. -
Sputnik was the world's first satellite. This satellite was created by the Soviets during the growing tension with the United States. Creating Sputnik caused the Space Race between America and the Soviet Union. -
Anti-War Movement
The Anti-War Movement was started After America joining in the Vietnam War. Many citizens of America knew that is was not right what was happening in Vietnam and voiced their feelings through protest. At this time people became more vocal about things they disagreed with. -
Bay Of Pigs
Was an invasion of Cuba during the missile crisis by the CIA to spy on what was going on in the Cuban territory. The Bay Of Pigs was an unsuccessful mission. US forces were defeated within 3 days of the invasion by the Cuban revolutionary armed forces. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the breaking point that led to the Cold War. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day confrontation between The United States and The Soviet Union. The Cuban Missile Crisis led to America placing a blockade on Cuba which was also known as a "Quarantine" -
John F. Kennedy (JFK)
John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. JFK was extremely involved with many problems associated with Russia. JFK authorized the Cuban "quarantine" and monitored the Bay of Pig invasion. -
Betty Friedan
Betty Friedan was an american activists and feminist in the 60s. She was also an important female figure in the progression of women. Betty Friedan was the author and creator of The Feminine Mystique. -
Lyndon B Johnson
Lyndon B Johnson was the 36th president of the United States. He was appointed to take office after the assassination of former President JFK. Lyndon B Johnson was known for his dream of making America a "Great Society". LBJ was an extermely important figure in helping with Civil rights. -
Great Society
The Great Society was created by LBJ to help better the citizens of America. LBJ created many programs like Medicaid and Medicare. The Great society was also created to put a stop on poverty and social injustice in America. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution also known as the South Asia Resolutions was a joint resolution with the United Staes in response to The Golf Of Tonkin Incident. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave the president authorization to make any decisions that were necessary to promote the maintenance of Southeast Asia. The Tonkin Resolution gave America more authority in expanding the Vietnam War. -
Tet Offensive 1968
The Tet Offensive 1968 was one of the largest military campaigns during the Vietnam
War. The Tet Offensive was the involvement of US soldiers in the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive weakened America's support of Vietnam which sparked it's great withdrawal. -
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States. President Nixon was president during the Vietnam War and was associated with a water gate scandal. He also led one of the HUAC investigations to bust a supposed russian spy. -
Vietnamization was the gradual withdraw of US soldiers and troops from South Vietnam. Vietnamization was first proposed by president Nixon in his speech ending the Vietnam War. Vietnamization was also used so that South Vietnam could take more responsibility of the war on their own. -
Moon Landing
America claimed its mark on the moon harboring the first man to walk on the moon. The Moon landing ended the Space Race between America and Russia. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. -
Rust Belt vs Sun Belt
The Rust Belt is in the Great Lakes to the upper Midwest States of America. The Sun Belt is in the southern tier of the United States. The Rust Belt experienced an extreme economic transformation due to things like the Great migration -
26th Amendment
The 26th Amendment deprives off of the 14th amendment and was created by the US government. The 26th Amendment lowered the overall voting age in America to 18 years old. The 26th Amendment was created to make of for the fact that 18 year old men were required to join the army. -
War Powers Act
The War Powers Act is a federal law intended created by the United States due to the aftermath of the Vietnam war. The War Powers Act was created to check the presidential power over armed conflict without having consent from congress. The Wars Power Act reassured congress authority over presidential decisions