Tv Age
Children born in the late 1940s were the first generation to grown up with the television.This event is important because many people said that the tv would"rot your brain" and they called it an "idiot box" or "boob tube" because they believed they had little value.It impacted american society by changing the way many people/ children lived. Many stopped going outside and doing as much people got lazier. Company's made more money due to how many people bought tvs. -
United nations
The United Nations was a peace keeping organization.Located in New York City. It was discussed in 1941 but not used until 1945. It was to solve disputes, hunger and disease problems, improve education,provide vaccines. -
Truman Doctrine/ Marshall Plan
Rosa Parks
Rosa parks was born in 1913. On December first 1955 Rosa refused to go to the back of the bus.This was an effort to end segregation. An impact was that Montgomery bus boycott introduced non-violent protest as a method for equal rights. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban missile crisis was between the soviet union and Cuba against the U.S . The soviet union was giving weapons to cuba.An American spy plane to photos of the missle sites on Cuba JFK to the Americans about it. JFK said that Americans would “turn back” soviet ships that were carrying missiles.Last minute the soviet ships turned around.The soviet union took missiles out of cuba. This event was closest the world was to a full scale nuclear war
It was a 13 day standoff. -
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter was president 1976-1980. He was a democrat. He was also the governor of Georgia. Helsinki Agreement was passed as well as the Social Security Act.Jimmy Carter was a millionaire peanut farmer. He was also the first president to be born in a hospital. -
Challenger Explosion
January 28, 1986 the challenger space shuttle exploded in Cape Canaveral Florida.The FIRST civilian passenger was aboard, Christa McAuliffe she was a school teacher. NASA wanted to revive the public. There was no survivors. NASA director was fired and the shuttle program was put on hold for 32 months. -
George W. Bush
George W. Bush was the 43rd President of the Unites States. He was president from 2000 to 2008 He was a republican.During his presidency was September 11, 2001.He was originally governor of Texas.He was responsible for the o Chile Left Behind" act which makes it so any child no matter what has the right to go to school and get an education.His favorite snack is pretzels -
Hurricane Katrina/Harvey
Financial Crisis 2008
The U.S financial sector(wall street).The world economy faced its most dangerous crisis since the great depression.Banks didn't trust anyone to pay them back so they stopped giving loans.Deep recesion had taken over most of the world. The U.S lost nearly 2 million jobs, the unemployment rate shot up 7.2%.