Cold War to Present By meshnoa 1945 Baby Boom Baby Boom Google Doc 1950 Korean War Korean War Google Doc 1954 Brown Vs. Board Brown Vs. Board Google Doc 1961 Berlin Wall Berlin Wall Google Doc Sep 22, 1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination JFK Assassination Google Doc Jul 20, 1969 Man on the Moon Man on the Moon Google Doc May 4, 1970 Kent State Massacre Kent State Massacre Google Doc Jun 17, 1972 Watergate Watergate Google Doc 1980 Ronold Reagan Ronald Reagan Google Doc 1988 George W. Bush George W. Bush Google Doc Sep 11, 2001 September 11, 2001 September 11, 2001 Google Doc Jan 20, 2009 Barack Obama's Inauguration Barack Obama's Inauguration Google Doc