Cold War To Present

By caindon
  • The Baby Boom

    The Baby Boom
    The U.S was involved as a whole during the 9 years from 1946- 1955. The baby boom was when the number of children increased tremendously in the 9 years to make up for lost time because of WWII and the great depression. The impact on society was tremendous because it increased the population by 29 million.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks was involved as she was a civil rights advocate during the time of segregation. Mrs. Parks sat in the front of the bus after she just got off work tired. A white man walked up to her and told her to get up and she refused and was arrested and fined. This event took place in Alabama, Montgomery in 1955. This event was important to history because after this incident African American were able to sit freely on the bus. This event affected society because this helped end segregation.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The people who were involved were East Berliners,The Soviet Union, and west Berliners.3 million Berliners fled to west Berlin because a wall was put up that divided west Berlin from east Berlin. The wall was built august 13 1961 and East German government announced on November 9 1989 that all citizens could visit west Berlin.East Germans climbed on to the wall and on the other side were West Germans.They celebrated hugging family members on the after not seeing them which affected society
  • MLK assassination

    MLK assassination
    Martin Luther King Jr is a civil rights leader/activist who had influence on American society. He was staying at a motel in Memphis on April 4 1968. He was standing on the motel balcony and was then shot. This impacted history because many people looked up to king and he was a big reason why schools are interracial. This event mostly affected society because many people were shocked across the country and wanted revenge on kings assassin, James Earl Ray.
  • Robert F Kennedy Assassination

    Robert F Kennedy Assassination
    Robert F Kennedy, John F Kennedys Brother was shot by Sirhan Sirhan. 42 year old presidential candidate had just won the state of California and was just left the podium in the Ambassador hotel and went through the kitchen when he was shot by immigrant Sirhan Sirhan. This happened June 6, 1968 in California. This was important to history because he was a presidential candidate and maybe he could've won. This affected politics because it eliminated a possible candidate to become president.
  • Man Lands On The Moon

    Man Lands On The Moon
    Neil Armstrong was involved to be the first person ever to land on the moon and Buzz Aldrin and Micheal Collins piloted Apollo 11 . With 600 million television viewers and a rocket powered on charcoal, the landing craft left a crater about a foot deep Neil Armstrong would take off, not only to be the first man on the moon but to be the first country to ever land on the moon. It happened July 20th, 1969 at 4:17 p.m . This affected society as people were amazed and this also affected economy NASA
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford was the U.S 38th President. Gerald Ford took office August 1974. He is the president with the least amount of days served with a 865 day presidency. This event took place in Washington D.C. This event was important to history because he continued Nixon's case in his presidency. This affected politics with Gerald Ford becoming our 38th president. This also affected politics with him moving on Nixon's case.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the U.S. Jimmy Carter was raised by a wealthy family of peanut farmers. He was awarded the Nobel peace prize for the co-founding of the company the Carter Center. The term he was in office he struggled with keeping the U.S unemployment rate from falling. He was in office from 1977 to 1981. This affected economics because many people couldn't get jobs around the U.S. He was also governor of Georgia.
  • George W Bush

    George W Bush
    George W Bush was the son of the 41st president and was also the 43rd president of the U.S. George W Bush was also the governor of Texas. George W Bush served as president on September 11 of the terrorist attacks on the national trade center. This event was important to history because he was the president during 2nd attack on the U.S. This Affected society because many people dislike him for the way he handled the situation.
  • Hurricane Harvey/Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Harvey/Hurricane Katrina
    The city of New Orleans and Texas were involved/victim of the deadly category 4, hurricane Katrina and other deadly category 4 Hurricane,Harvey. The total property damage was estimated to 81 Billion dollars for hurricane Katrina while the damage total for hurricane Harvey was 75 Billion dollars. 80% of the city was flooded in the damage of hurricane Katrina.These events took place on August 23, 2005 and August 17, 2017.These events both affected society because there was huge damage and deaths
  • Barack Obama Inauguration

    Barack Obama Inauguration
    The Inauguration Of Barack Obama Involved Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama. The event set record attendance for any event held in Washington D.C. The Gettysburg address was the theme for the inauguration. This event affected history due to the fact that Barack Obama was the first african american president, and Michelle Obama the first african american first lady. This event took place in 2009. This event affected politics because Barack Obama became the 44th President of the U.S.