Unite Nations
1941 the United Nations was created. This combined countries into a sort of club. T -
Baby Boom
The great depression and war against the Germans and Japanese had finally ended. However due to the war the people were not being born as often. Due to this the baby boom started all over the U.S from 1945-54. This event was important because it made up for lost time. Baby boom impacted society by bringing a ton of more people into the world.The reason it impacted society was that it increased the birthrate from 9 million to 29 million. -
NATO stand for the north american treaty organization.This was made so in case a nation in the NATO was attacked the other nations would help. The main people in NATO were the The allies. However due to the creation of NATO Soviet union made the War Saw Pact which forced countries under Soviet rule to join they did the same thing as NATO though. This impacted Politics by joining different countries together to form a organization. -
Rosa Parks
Born in Alabama Rosa parks was an average black women for the time. However that all changed on Dec.1st when sitting on the bus she was asked to move to the back by a white man however she refused to so the man called the police on her. The event took place at a bus station in Alabama. This event was important because it was the first time a colored person stood up to a white person. She impacted the society of the US. She impacted society by helping colored people find a non-violent protest. -
Kent State Massacre
At the Ohio school 21,00 students were protesting after Nixon's pledge to send troops to Cambodia.Violence led to the police bayoneting and clubbing the students.the importance of this is that 4 students were killed and 9 wounded. The impact was that 25 students and professors were found guilty and the National Guard was not held accountable.