Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
The TV Age
In 1948, there were fewer than 17,000 TVs in the US. The TV was called the "idiot box" and many Americans were concerned that students may skip their homework to watch TV. People started staying inside their homes more, leaving their house less and many people starting eating in front of the TV. This event is important because in the 1950s TV commercials bought in over 1.5 billion dollars in advertising money. The TV Age impacted society because it became very popular in the United States. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Cuban Missile Crisis
Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
George H. W. Bush
George H.W. Bush was the 41st President of the US. He served two presidential terms and was also Ronald Reagan's vice president. He served his terms through 1988-1992. He served in the White House. He was president during the Exxon Valdez oil spill,when the Berlin Wall fell and passed the Americans with Disabilities Act. George H.W. Bush impacted politics because he was president during the Persian Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm. The war ended in February with 100,000 Iraqi casualties. -
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the United States. Clinton served two presidential terms as a Democrat. He also lowered America's deficit. He was formerly the Governor of Arkansas and served his terms during 1993-2001. During his presidency he did a health care reform, sent troops to Bosnia, signed Test Ban Treaty, and was the 2nd president to be put on trial but stayed in office. Bill Clinton impacted politics because he lowered deficit. He was able to get America out of debt for a bit. -
Social Network Revolution
Iraq/Afghanistan War (War on Terror)