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Cold War to Civil Rights by Tim

  • Surrender of japan

    Surrender of japan
    After being bombed twice in its major cities of Hiroshima and agian in Nagahsaki the Empire of Japan surrendered. On this day the ceremony was held on the USS MIssouri.
  • U.S regains possestion of wake islands

    U.S regains possestion of wake islands
  • Japanese at Rioekioe-islands surrender

     Japanese at Rioekioe-islands surrender
    Japanese at Rioekioe-islands surrender
  • Hungary a Republic

    Hungary a Republic
    National assembly make hungray republic
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    Sybolized the ideological conflict & boundaries diving Europe into seperate areas from the end of WWII
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    Was Political and Millitary tension between the superpowers. Never really got into a altercation.
  • Marshal plan taxes raised

    Marshal plan taxes raised
    president Harry Truman raises taxes on the marshall plan
  • Failed assassination of the Shah of persia

    Failed assassination of the Shah of persia
    At this time the shah or king/ queen of persia was almost assasinated
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    Korean War

    The U.S helps south korea fight of the northern invasion of the comunist Soviet Union and north Korean armed forces.
  • Joseph Stalin's Death

    Joseph Stalin's Death
    Soviet leader from mid 1920's. Was part of the russian revolution. he died at age 74
  • Polio vaccine

    Polio vaccine
    Found by joseph Stalk after he had to make trial runs on himself and his whole family before the vaccine would be accepted by the medical community. After the trials were done the medical community accepted it and started the spread of it and save millions of childrens lifes.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    African AMerican women refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arestted.
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    Mongomery Bus Boycott

    WHere blacks refused to ride the bus due to the frustration of Rosa PArks being arrestted.
  • Sputnik launched

    Sputnik launched
    First artificial Earth Satellite in space, and also started the space race to put a man on the moon.
  • Greensboro Four

    Greensboro Four
    Four black college students sat in a segregated counter and demanded to be served.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    Soviets shoot down an american spy plane known as the U-2 while i was on a reconosence mission in soviet air space.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Failed invasion of Cuba. Was planned to overthrow Fidel Castro
  • Berlin Walll

    Berlin Walll
    Constructed by East Germanyand blockaded East germany from the surrounding sections of germany
  • Period: to

    cuban Missle Crisis

    13 day confrintation between the U.S and the soviet Union. NO actual fighting ever occured.
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    Part of the civil rights movement
  • Kings Jail Writen Letter

    Kings Jail Writen Letter
    MLK wrote a 3 plus page letter to a fellow white cell mate about the nonviolent boycotts taking place
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    He was assainated in Dallas, TX and was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Document that gave blacks in america their equality that they had wanted for so long.
  • MLK Assasination

    MLK Assasination
    He was shot on a hotel balcony by James Earl Ray who recieved a 99 year sentence. Martin Luther King Jr was 39 when he died.