Cold War timeline

By Aleihsa
  • Period: to

    Soviet creation of Nuclear weapons

    where: Atomgrad, Semipalatinsk, Chagan Lake
    who: Russian physicists and Igor Kurchatov
    what: The United States no longer had the advantage of atomic weapons. The creation of Nuclear weapons increased the power of America's allies and kept communism at bay.
    how did it effect on liberalism: Less liberalism, because they created the Nuclear weapons to kept the communism for the allies and it would possibly kill masses of people in seconds.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    where: Yalta, Ukraine
    who: the big three (US,USSR,Britain)
    what: Divided Germany into 4 countries, and the USSR promised free elections to liberated countries.
    What effect it had on liberalism: More liberalism as there were promised free elections.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    Hiroshima Bombing
    who: USA and Japan
    where: Hiroshima, Japan
    what: US aircraft dropped an untested bomb over Hiroshima, Those people outdoors were burned to death, while those who were indoors were killed by the indescribable pressure and heat. It killed over 100,000 people.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism for USA because for them it was the revenge from kamikaze attack which was created by Japan against US warships and also to end the war.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    who: USA and Japan
    where: Nagasaki, Japan
    what: After 3 days from Hiroshima bombing, USA dropped another bomb in Nagasaki, Japan which killed a lot of people and caused Japan to surrender.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism in USA, because the day after the attack, the emperor of Japan overruled the military leaders of Japan and forced them to surrender.
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    Potsdam Conference

    where: Potsdam,Germany who: the big three; Britain,USA, and USSR what: signed an agreement to disarm and demilitarize Germany. How did it effect liberalism: Less liberalism because the agreement was about demilitarizing Germany.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    where: Greece and Turkey who: US, Turkey, and Greece what: to support anti-communist forces in Greece and Turkey. Also to support other countries who the US felt were threatened by communism. How did it effect liberalism: More liberalism because they made the sphere of influence smaller for communist. It's an anti-communist movement.
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    where: European countries
    who: USSR,Poland,Romania,Hungary,Bulgaria,Czechoslovakia, and East Germany.
    what: to provide aid to Eastern Europe and rebuild their countries.
    How did it effect on liberalism: less liberalism, it's the same thing with Marshall Plan but this Molotov Plan is with military and protection so more government involvement.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    where: Brussels,Belgium
    who: Britain,France,Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
    what: They formed alliances with other anti-communist countries, which aided in reducing Soviet power.
    How did it effect on liberalism: With the signing of the treaty, the countries' liberalism expanded because all members are protecting each other from any attack that may occur.
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    Marshall Plan

    where: Western Europe
    who: Austria,Belgium,Denmark,France,Greece,Iceland and other European Nations including Soviet Union.
    what: to help European countries devastated by the war to recover. Also, to prevent the spread of communism beyond the "iron curtain" and to encourage development of the nations.
    How did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism, because it's about giving aid to European nations but they had to agree to liberal principles like preventing nationalization of industry.
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    Berlin Blockade

    where: West Berlin, Germany
    who: Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and USA
    what: It was to limit the ability of USA, France, and Great Britain to travel to their sectors of Berlin.
    How did it effect on liberalism: less liberalism, shortages in important of raw materials such as coal. Also, it divided families who found themselves unable to visit each other, some people lost their jobs.
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    where: Casteau, Belgium
    who: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
    what: It was an agreement providing protection against Soviet Union.
    How did it effect on liberalism: less liberalism, its mostly collective defence principle, more government involvement.
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    Korean War

    who: North Korea, South Korea, USA, and Soviet Union
    where: Korea
    what: North Korea's Communist army crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea, which was not communist. As Kim Il-North sung's Korean army, armed with Soviet tanks, quickly overran South Korea, the US intervened.
    How did it effect on liberalism: Less freedom, because both the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting for their own ideologies. Liberalism does not exist in North Korea, but it does exist in South Korea.
  • Stalin's death

    Stalin's death
    who: USA and USSR
    where: Soviet Union
    what: After Stalin's death, Kruschev was in and promoted that the US and USSR would work together.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberty because it lessened the tension between capitalist liberal democracy and communism. It's also advantageous because it reduced the chances of nuclear war and provided people with greater freedom and peace.
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    Warsaw Pact

    where: Warsaw, Poland
    who: Soviet Union and other European countries
    what: It was collective defence treaty created by Soviet Union, but the main purpose of this pact was to reinforce communist dominance in Eastern Europe.
    How did it effect on liberalism: more liberalism, as the main purpose was to reinforce communist, make their sphere of influence smaller.
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    Vietnam War

    who: USA and their allies, and Vietnam
    where: Vietnam
    what: Vietnam fought against US because they didn't want them to turn into socialist country.
    how did it effect on liberalism: Less liberalism, because Vietnam attempted to expand its liberalism but failed due to conflict with the United States.
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    Hungarian Revolution

    who: Stalinist government of the Hungarian People's Republic and the Hungarian domestic policies imposed by the USSR.
    where: Hungary
    what: The Uprising arose in response to postwar Hungary's crippling development as a result of Moscow's Soviet policies and oppression.
    how did it effect on liberalism: Less liberalism, People fought for freedom but they failed to do so because the Soviet's great power ensured victory.

    where: Colorado, United States
    who: United States and Canada
    what: It's a bi-national command which two nations agreed to create this to centralize operational control of continental air defences against the threat of Soviet bombers.
    How did it effect on liberalism: More freedom, because both parties agreed to create centralize operational control which was good for the safety and protection of their people.
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    Fidel Castro taking over

    who: Fidel Castro
    where: Cuba
    what: Led a socialist revolution and overthrew the US gov't
    how did it effect on liberalism: Less liberalism, he took away the people's liberalism in Cuba because he was a socialist dictator, he also separated Cuba from other countries by the US.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    where: Berlin, Germany
    who: German Democratic Republic
    what: During the Cold War, the German Democratic Republic built the Berlin wall to keep its citizens from leaving Soviet-controlled East Berlin to West Berlin, which was under the jurisdiction of the major Western allies.
    How did it effect on liberalism: Less liberalism as citizens weren't have the freedom from migrating or leaving the country as they were kept from leaving Soviet-controlled.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    who: CIA, USA, and Castro's administration.
    where: USA
    what: CIA began training Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro.
    how did it effect on liberalism: Less liberalism because they failed the invasion, which strengthened Castro's administration, which went on to openly declare its intention to embrace socialism and pursue closer ties with the Soviet Union.
  • End of the Cuban missile crisis

    End of the Cuban missile crisis
    who: USA and USSR
    where: Cuba
    what: Both two superpower countries were at their end, if one of them pulled the triggers, it could have been the end of the world but instead they negotiate a deal.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism, because they both chose the safety of the people over bombing each other.
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    Afghanistan/Soviet War

    who: USSR and Afghanistan
    where: Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
    what: The USSR invaded Afghanistan in hope to gain trust by supporting Marxist Afghan gov't.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism in Afghanistan because they value liberalism, are religiously strict, and despise war.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Solidarity in Poland
    who: Poland and USSR
    where: Poland
    what: It was the first non-communist trade union in the communist country.
    how did it effect on liberalism?: The Soviet Union attempted to halt the solidarity, but the Poland government was so powerful that they were unable to succeed, which resulted in an anti-Soviet movement and helped Poland expand their liberalism.
  • Berlin Wall Falling

    Berlin Wall Falling
    who: Soviet Union, USA, Great Britain and France
    where: Berlin, Germany
    what: The fall of the Berlin Wall was a turning point in world history, marking the end of the Iron Curtain and the beginning of the end of communism in Eastern and Central Europe. Shortly afterwards, the inner German border ended up falling.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism, because Western leaders recognized it as a victory for the German people, who had chosen liberty over division.
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    Czechoslovakia Revolution

    who: Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria
    where: Czechoslovakia
    what: Resignation of the Communist government Democracy and free elections Civil rights Economic reform.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism, as they were reforming free elections and Civil rights economic.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    who: Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev
    where: Soviet Union
    what: Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev came to an agreement about the nuclear arms and they became friends which marked the Cold War ended official in 1991.
    how did it effect on liberalism: Because both superpowers recommended cooperation, the conflict between east and west softened the freedom for both, and the countries liberalism expanded more.
  • Nuclear Arms Treaties

    Nuclear Arms Treaties
    where: Moscow, Soviet Union
    who: USA and USSR
    what: Agreement that was made between the Soviet Union and the US, signed by Nixon Khruschev the strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
    how did it effect on liberalism: More liberalism, because it the treaty greatly reduced the number of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and nuclear warheads that either country could have.