Cold War Timeline

By bgking
  • End of World War II

    The end of a burial war
  • Soviet overtakes Eastern Europe

    Stalin was planning on controlling Eastern Europe
  • Cold war starts and gets heavy

    This is a start to a long useless war
  • Soviet Union creates atomic bomb

    Later a treaty was made called the North Atlantic Treaty
  • Stalin death

    The leader of the soviet dies
  • Fifth Republic in France

    De Gaulle established the Fifth Republic in France
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Soviet were putting misslies in Cuba and the U.S became concerned
  • Massive student protest all over

    Students in the U.S had protested at their schools
  • Oil Crises

    The Arab Petroleum exporting Countries proclaimed an oil embargo
  • Reagan become President in U.S

    Reagan made plenty of chances
  • Berlin Wall drivison ends

    He made peace between East and West Germany