Endong of WW2
WW2 ends, which also ends American-soviet cooperation. -
Period: to
Cold War
Berlin Wall:(WW11)GErmany, Soviet Union blocked the Western allies railway, road, and canal access to sections of Berlin. -
Marshall Plan: American initiative to aid western Europe. -
Berlin blockade 1948-49
Berlin blockade and consequent airlift increases tensions. -
Marshall Plan
Truman establishes the Marshall Plan to contain communist expansion. -
NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty. -
Creation of NATO to deter any aggression from the soviet bloc. -
Korean War: Between North and South Korea. -
KPorean War
BEgins after the USSR fails to show up for a veto in the UN. Starting the proxy war. -
Warsaw Pact: Military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe.
Collective security: Cooperation of several countries in an alliance to strengthen the security of each. -
Warsaw Pact
CReation of the Warsaw Pact as a response to NATO throught Collective security. -
Hungarian UPrising
Demonstrates that the Warsaw Pact is not ideologically unified, but this is crused by the Warsaw Pact forces. -
Peaceful co-existence: competition without war. -
Berlin Wall; Divided Berlin from 1961-89.(West and East)
Expansion: Action of becoming larger or more extensive. -
Berlin Wall
Built to prevent further Western expansion in the region. -
Khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence.
Peaceful co-existence: -
Cuban Missile crisis:Thirteen day confrontation between U.S. and the soviet over soviet Ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba.
Brinkmanship: Practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, usually in politics. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Almost leads to a nuclear war between the the superpowers due to brinkmanship. -
Prague Spring; Period of political liberalization in Czechsolovakia after WW2 by soviet Union.
Brezhnev doctrine: Leonid Brezhnev gave right to soviet Union to intervene in affairs of Communist countries to strengthen communism. -
Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty: Objective to prevent spread of nuclear weapons and technology. -
Prague Spring
Ends when the Soviet Union invades, followed by the Brezhnev Doctrine. -
Non-proliferation Treaty
Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty is signed. -
Helsinki Accord: Reduce tension between soviet and western bloc.
Detente: Easing of hostility of strained relations, especially between countries. -
Helsinki Accords
Provides a degree of detente during the cold war. -
Vietnam War
Ends, demonstrating the failure of containment and the Domino theory. -
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan: Lasted nine years. -
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan(1979-89)
Leads to an increase of hostilities. -
Solidarity: Agreement of action, usually individuals with acommon interest.
Pro-democracy: Movement of democracy to a country. -
Pro-deocracy movement.
Solidarity trade union organizes the pro-democracy movement in Poland. -
START: Military doctrine developed by Indian Armed Forces in a possible war with Pakistan.
Deterrence: Strategy intended to dissuade an adversary from taking an action not yet started. -
Is signed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons being created as a form of deterrence. -
Torn down
Berlin Wall is torn down, a year later Germany is reunified. -
Soviet Union
Soviet Union ceases to exist, effectively ending the cold War. -
Warsaw Pact(1999-2004)
Warsaw Pact is dissolved, with some members seeking to join NATO.