The Berlin Blockade
The Berlin Blockade was the cause of the berlin wall and cut off all the roads to and from Berlin. Thi event was caused by Stalin. The airlift wich brought food and suplies to Berlin was one of the main causes of the end of the blockade, -
The Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was when president Truman requested congress give $400,000,000 to the Greek and Turkish governments and some military personal to keep those countries from becoming comunism. The Marshal Plan was a very similar program where European countries were supported. To avoid future conflicts the United Nations was created wich contained many contries that signed an agreement. -
NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 and is an intergovernmental millitary aliance. It was crated to defend western Europe from Soviet threat. -
Senator Joseph McCarthy
Jules and Ethel Rosenburg had started the red scare wich was when everyone was scared they where living amongst Communists. Durring the red scare senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconson made an anouncement. He claimed to have a list of 205 communists in the State Department. He never proved his claims however he won national attention. -
Korean War
The Korean War started when North Korean troops invaded the 38th parallel into South Korea. Along the 38th parallel waas a demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. UN forces came to help defend South Korea. When the UN was falling behind North Korea and seemed to be loosing Macarthur launched an counterattack by sea wich forced back the North Koreans to their side of the 38th parallel. After the war Eisenhower went to North Korea and eventualy got an armisist to stop the fighting. -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was a military aliance formed by the Soviet uniion that was dominated by the UN forcing them to follow its policies. -
Vietman War
The Vietnam war started in 1955, at that time Ho Chi Min was the nationalist and communist leader of Vietcong. Peasants joined the Vietcong Guerrilas. Wich where fighteres who did hit and run attacks. After the war had begun america started a draft where people who fit under certain categories where randomly chosen for war. August 1964 the President announced that North Vietnamese torpedo ships attacked an American ship patrolling the Gulf Of Tonkin. Congress passed the Guld Of Tonkin Resolution -
Vietnam War Continues
The Tonkin Resolution stated that the US would make armed attacks against north Vietnam to defend further attacks. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The cuban missile crisis was when Cuba was found to be holding Soviet nuclear missiles for large amounts of aid from Nikita Khrushchev and Russia. A group of 1,200 Cuban exiles landed on the bay of pigs to overthrow Castro. They where all captured and put in jail. After Castro was thrown out he talked to Che Guvera to get him back so he could start a revolution. After US found out about the missiles JFK asked NASA to build rokets to hit russia if they attacked. -
The Tet Offensive
The Tet Offensive was some attacks from Vietcong on multiple places. It was called the Tet Offensive because it was on the Vietnese new year called Tet. -
Salt Agreement
SALT stands for Strategic Arms Limitations Talks. The salt agreement was an agreement between the US and Russia to nagociate before a war was to break out to keep down the amount of wars fought. -
Glasnost is the Russian term for speaking out openly. When Mikihail Gorbachev rose to power in Russia he believed in glasnost. He thought that it would help his citizens solve economic and social problems. -
Communism Colapses
1981 Ronald Regan began the fight against USSR. At the time congress increased military spending more than $100,000,000 so the president called for a new weapons system to destroy soviet missiles in space. This was nicknamed Star Wars. 1972 Nixon visited the Soviet Union to reduce tensions between superpowers. With all these things communism eventually ending in the Soviet union on December 26 1991. -
Davidson, James West., and Michael B. Stoff. The American Nation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall in Association with American Heritage, 2003. Print.