Cold war timeline

  • Berlin blockade

    Soviet union blocked western allies access to sectors of Berlin
  • Korean war

    A war between North Korea and South Korea
  • Vietnam war

    A war between north Vietnam supported by the soviet union china and other communist allies then on the other side there was south Vietnam with the US and other anti- communist allies
  • cuban missle crisis

    13 day confrontation between the US and the Soviet union over missiles
  • Prague Spring

    A period of political liberalization
  • Apollo 11

    Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong lands on the moon
  • Vietnam War ends

    The war comes to an end with the US loosing
  • Flight 007

    Korean flight leaving from NY to Anchorage Alaska was shot down by Soviet
  • Overthrow of communism in Europe

    Due to the rise of revolutions communism is over thrown
  • Ending of the cold war

    The shedding of the Iron curtain.
  • Formal dissolution of the ussr

    The soviets officially grants self-governing independence to the republics of the soviet union