Cold War Timeline

  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Died: September 3, 1969
    What he did: Organized the inter-colonial union.
    How he was involved: He was elected to the committee of the peasants International Congress in 1923. In 1936, he took charge of China's Indochinese communist party.
    How he changed the world: He declared Vietnam's independence in 1945 and became the 1st president of the republic in 1954.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Ended: July 27, 1953
    What it was: 75,000 soldiers from North Korea crosses the 38th parallel, which was the 1st military action of the cold war,
    Who it involved: The UN, U.S., North and South Korea, China, and Russia,
    How it started: North Korean soldiers invaded across the 38th parallel.
    How it ended: There were many casualties and a country left in ruins.
    How it impacted the world: It left tension between the superpowers.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Ended: April 30, 1975 (also Emmy's birthday:0)
    What it was: The second Indochina War.
    Who it involved: vo, Nguyen, Gicp, JFK, Lyndon B. Johnson.
    How it started: The North Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese were fighting to reunify vietnam.
    How it ended: North vietnam killed thousands of south vietnams. lots tried to flee from south vietnam.
    How it impacted the world: Vietnam regained independence.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Ended: Sometime in 1975.
    What it was: 20th-century competition between two cold war rivals.
    Who it involved: America and Soviet Union.
    How it changed the world: America was the first to the moon.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    What it was: One of the largest military campaigns of the vietnam war.
    How it started: North vietnamese and viet long forces launched the "Tet offensive"
    How it ended/ impacted the war: changed policies in America and other countries.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    What it was: The Kent State shootings occured @ Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. It involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the O.H.G.
    Who it involved: U.S.
    How it started: Many guardsmen fired into air or ground, However, a small portion was fired directly into the crowd.
    How it ended: As a result, four Kent State students died as a result of firing by the guards.
    How it impacted the world: started a national student strike more than 500 colleges in the u.s. closed.
  • Period: to

    cold war timeline

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    Ended: January 20, 1981
    What it was: It was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the U.S. 52 diplomats & citizens were held hostage for 444 days after a group of Iranian students belonging to the Muslim student followers of the Imam's line took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
    Who it involved: Iran & U.S.
    How it started: On election day pres. Reagan got into a fight with Iran's pres.
    How it ended: 1 year and 2 days later pres. Reagan defeated carter in a landslide.
    How it changed the world:
  • War in Afganistan

    War in Afganistan
    Ended: February 15, 1989
    What it was: Insurgent groups fought Soviet army and allied Afghanistan forces. Lots of Afghanistan people fled to Pakistan and Iran.
    Who it involved: Insurgent groups and soviet/Afghanistan forces
    How it started: Soviets invaded Afghanistan
    How it ended: Lots of Afghans fled to go to Iran and Pakistan.
    How it impacted the world: One more event that U.S. was watching for, take over more places with communism.
  • Iran Contra

    Iran Contra
    Ended: March 4, 1987
    What it was: The name given to a series of secrets and illegal actions by U.S. gov. officials under pres. Reagan.
    Who it involved: Iran & U.S.
    How it started: Began as an internal U.S. confrontation between Reagan & democratic congress.
    How it ended: It ended when Reagan returned to the airwaves in a nationally televised address, taking full responsibility for any actions that he was unaware of.
    How it changed the world: Congress decided that the U.S. shouldn't assist.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    Date ended: February 28, 1991.
    What it was: A conflict between Iraq and 34 other countries led by the U.S.
    Involved: Iraq & U.S.
    How it started: It started with the invasion of Kuwait by iraq on August 2, 1990.
    How it ended: It ended the following spring when Iraq's armies were fought away.
    How it changed the world: The congressional budget office estimates that U.S. incremental costs for operations desert shield & desert storm came to $15 billion.
  • 9/11

    Who it involved: NYPD, FDNY, American people, and Al-Qaeda terrorists.
    How it started: Terrorists hijacked airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center.
    How it ended: Both towers fell, and killed thousands of people, sending America to war against Al-Qaeda.
  • Iraq War

    Iraq War
    Ended: May 1, 2003
    what it is: A dubbed operation Iraqi freedom by the U.S.
    Who it involved: Iraq, Syria, U.S., U.K., Australia, Philippines, Poland, & Denmark.
    How it started: It started because of armed conflict in Iraq.
    How it ended: The U.S. troops formally were forced to withdraw from Iraq by December of 2011.
    How it changed the world: It caused lots of death & destruction in Iraq to regional instability to a weakened world economy.