cold war timeline

  • sputnik

    first earth satellite the soviet union sent into space orbiting the earth and all it did was beeped.
  • berlin aircraft

    berlin aircraft
    it was international crisis because the soviet union blocked the western allies railroad.
  • creation of warsaw pact

    creation of warsaw pact
    communist expansion prompted the united states and the soviet union and is communist rival alliance.
  • moon landing

    moon landing
    made object to reach the surface of the moon bye the soviet union
  • creation of Nato

    creation of Nato
    nato was the first peacetime military alliance in the united states.
  • construction of berlin wall

    construction of berlin wall
    west berlin wall was built threw thousand of fields of the east germany to democratic west.
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    united states and soviet union invented rockets by american bastic missile being invented.
  • destruction of berlin wall

    destruction of berlin wall
    was destroyed to connect east germany to west Germany.