The cold war

Cold War Timeline

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    A man named Vladimir Lenin overthrows the Russian government with the help of the Bolshevik party, he then creates a Communist dictatorship in Russia. He uses his power to take over all private businesses, and jails anyone who stands in his way. In the early stages of the revolution, The United States backs the anti-communist forces.
  • The Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference
    After an allied victory in Europe, the allied powers needed to decide what to do with Germany and other European countries, also the allies needed to win the war in the pacific against Japan. The United States and England wanted free democratic elections for European countries, whilst Russia wanted Communism for all of Europe.
  • The Atomic Bomb (Hiroshima/Nagasaki)

    The Atomic Bomb (Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
    After the allied victory in Europe, the United States needed to end the war in the Pacific against Japan. Two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki. The Soviet Union was upset at the United States that they used the bomb so quickly and without thought. The Leader of Russia, Joseph Stalin, knew that his massive Red Army was outdated and stood no chance against US atomic bombs.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    Winston Churchill gives a speech describing an "Iron Curtain" created by the Soviet Union descending across the continent. He was speaking about how the Soviet Union had taken these countries and annexed them into the USSR under communist rule.
  • The Molotov Plan

    The Molotov Plan
    The Molotov Plan was a plan created by the USSR to rebuild eastern European countries after WW2. It incorporated the Eastern European countries into the USSR.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman announced this foreign policy to congress, it stated that the United States would contain the spread of communism and support countries that were fighting communism.
  • The Hollywood 10

    The Hollywood 10
    After the implementation of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 10 Hollywood actors and industry people were accused of being communist supporters, when they were brought in for questioning they refused to answer questions, citing the 1st amendment. They were convicted of contempt and sent to prison.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan was an act that gave aid to European countries that were devastated after the war. It would provide massive economic assistance for Europe, totaling 13 billion dollars.
  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    After the end of World War 2 Berlin was divided up into 4 sections, controlled by France, Britain, The United States, and The Soviet Union. Not only did the Soviet Union want all non Soviets out of their controlled sector, they also were upset at the United States for introducing a new form of currency called the Deutschmark, Lenin considered it a form of Economic Imperialism.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    After the Soviet Union blocked off their section of Berlin, many people within that part of Berlin were starving. The United States sent airplanes loaded with food and supplies over to the USSR controlled portion of Berlin. They then dropped the supplies to civilians.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed as group of countries that would defend one another if one member was attacked. NATO has 29 members
  • The Soviet Bomb Test

    The Soviet Bomb Test
    In Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, the USSR sets off its first successful atomic bomb codenamed "First Lightning". One month later President Truman announces the detonation to the public.
  • The Alger Hiss Case

    The Alger Hiss Case
    State Department official Alger Hiss is accused of being a communist spy that gave documents to the Soviet Union allowing them to build an Atom Bomb. He was convicted of Perjury.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    North Korea invaded South Korea. The United States acting as the principle force of the United Nations was sent to help South Korea, whilst China and Russia sent help to the communist North Korea. Once the North Korean forces were pushed out of South Korea the United States pushed into North Korea and were about to fight on the Yalu River but a large force of Chinese troops attacked, putting the UN forces in retreat. An Armistice was signed, the war ended.
  • The Rosenburg Trial

    The Rosenburg Trial
    The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenburg begins. They are accused of sharing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. They were both sentenced to death by the electric chair.
  • The Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    The Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    In northern Vietnam, Communist leader Ho Chi Minh defeats the French at a stronghold at Dien Bien Phu. This was seen as the end of French influence in Indochina.
  • The Army/McCarthy Hearings

    The Army/McCarthy Hearings
    Senator Joseph McCarthy starts hearings on the US Army, accusing them of being soft on communism. News channels are allowed into the hearing, allowing the public to see McCarthy as a reckless bully. After these hearings McCarthy fell from political prominence.
  • The Geneva Conference

    The Geneva Conference
    Representatives for the worlds powers come to Geneva to discuss the situation in Vietnam, this is immediately after the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu by the North Vietnamese. It was decided that France would withdraw all troops from Vietnam, and Vietnam would be divided at the 17th parallel until both sides could find a leader to re-unite the country.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    Created in response to NATO, and comprising of the Soviet Union and many of its satellite states. It stated that all countries involved would defend one another in case of an attack.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    Thousands of Hungarian protesters take to the streets to protest Soviet oppression. The Soviets send tanks and troops into Hungary to stop the protests, thousands are killed.
  • The U2 Incident

    The U2 Incident
    An American U2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Russia by a surface to air missile. The pilot parachutes to safety but is captured by the Soviet Union. The United States is forced to admit that the plane was gathering intelligence, it is a national embarrassment.
  • The Bay Of Pigs Invasion

    The Bay Of Pigs Invasion
    1400 US trained Cubans launch an invasion of Cuba through the Bay Of Pigs. The invasion fails completely due to Cuban military superiority. The invaders surrendered after 24 hours and were captured.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    A guarded wall constructed by the Soviet Union is created to provide a physical barrier between East and West Germany.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    US spy planes fly over incomplete nuclear missile silos in Cuba. These silos are created by the help of the USSR, Cubas ally. After tense negotiations and a blockade of Russian ships, the US and USSR comes to an agreement that if the USSR dismantles nuclear devices in Cuba, the US will do the same in Turkey.
  • Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem

    Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem
    South Vietnamese forces overthrow Diems government, then arrest and kill him. The United States becomes more involved with South Vietnam as the Communist North begins to attack the South more frequently and more prepared.
  • The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy of the United States is assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Texas. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president of The United States
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, allowing President Lyndon B. Johnson to take any measures he believed necessary to keep peace in southeast Asia. This allows US troops to enter Vietnam, this is the start of the Vietnam war.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    President Lyndon B. Johnson approves Operation Rolling Thunder, allowing US bomber planes to bomb vital supply routes for the North Vietnamese. 643,000 tons of bombs are dropped on North Vietnam, 900 aircraft are lost during this operation.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    A series of coordinated North Vietnamese attacks on 100 cities in South Vietnam is covered heavily by American news teams. Even though the offensive was repelled and considered a military victory for South Vietnam, public opinion of the US involvement in Vietnam drops. This is a main turning point in the Vietnam war.
  • The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
    African American civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is shot and killed in Memphis Texas by James Earl Ray.
  • The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

    The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
    Senator Robert Kennedy, brother of John F. Kennedy, is shot and killed after winning the California presidential primary. He was assassinated by 22 year old Sirhan Sirhan. After the assassination, then president Lyndon B. Johnson stated that he would not run for another term as President.
  • The Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    The Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    The Warsaw Pact decides to invade Czechoslovakia, 137 Czech civilians are killed, 500 are seriously wounded.
  • The Riots of the Democratic Convention

    The Riots of the Democratic Convention
    Anti Vietnam war protestors at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. After the Democratic party could not decide its official stance on the Vietnam war, public opinion of the Cold War shifts.
  • The Election of Richard Nixon

    The Election of Richard Nixon
    Running a campaign of "reuniting America", republican candidate Richard Nixon wins the presidency. He vowed to end the Vietnam war.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    The Ohio State national guard opens fire on student protesters at Kent State University, killing four students and injuring nine others.
  • President Nixon Visits China

    President Nixon Visits China
    President Richard Nixon flies to the communist Peoples Republic of China to discuss normalizing relations between the two countries.
  • The Ceasefire In Vietnam

    The Ceasefire In Vietnam
    President Richard Nixon declares a ceasefire in Vietnam, also stating that the US would with withdraw all troops within 60 days if all US pows were released within the same time period.
  • The Fall of Saigon

    The Fall of Saigon
    NVA forces begin their final attack on the South Vietnamese city of South Vietnam. This is the final day of the Vietnam war, and the beginning of the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.
  • Election pf Ronald Reagan

    Election pf Ronald Reagan
    Republican Candidate Ronald Reagan is elected president. Running his campaign on reuniting America and beginning peace with the Soviet Union.
  • Announcement of The SDI

    Announcement of The SDI
    The Strategic Defense Initiative is announced. It is an initiative that plans to defend America from nuclear attack, the plan includes satellites equipped with lasers that can shoot down warheads. The plan is also known as "Star Wars"
  • Geneva Conference With Gorbachev

    Geneva Conference With Gorbachev
    United States President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev meet for the first time in Geneva Switzerland. No agreement is met at the conference, however Reagan and Gorbachev form a friendship.
  • "Tear Down This Wall!" Speech

    "Tear Down This Wall!" Speech
    US President Ronald Reagan gives a speech in front of the Berlin wall, demanding that Mikhail Gorbachev tear the wall down to open the barrier dividing East and West Germany
  • The Fall of The Berlin Wall

    The Fall of The Berlin Wall
    Crowds of Germans begin dismantling the Berlin wall, that had for 30 years symbolized the divide of Europe. Mikhail Gorbachev on his last day in office dissolves the Soviet Union, and the Cold War ends.