Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference is cited to be the start of the Cold War -
United Nations (UN)
An International organization created to settle world problems -
Harry S. Truman
President of the US during the Cold War. -
Truman Doctrine
United States would provide military and economic aid to countries threatened by Communism -
George Kennan
Referred to as "Father of Containment". Created the Policy of Containment. -
Marshall Plan
The United States plan to help war torn Europe. $13 Billion in US Loans -
Division of Germany
Allied powers divide Germany into four zones. the USSR controlled east Germany. Allies controlled West. -
Berlin Air Lift
US and British airplanes fly supplies into west Berlin -
Council for Mutual Assistance (COMECON)
The Soviet's plan to aid in rebuilding Soviet Bloc nations -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
A collective security alliance between USA, Britain, France, Canada, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Norway. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Developed the missile retaliation which stated that any Soviet advance in Europe would be met with full use of the US's nuclear weapons -
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of Britain -
Joseph Stalin Dies
The long time ruler of the USSR dies after over 20 years -
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet leader after Stain's death -
Period: to
Cuban Revolution
Revolution to overthrow Cuban dictator Fulgencio Bastista. Fidel Castro also came to power during the revolution -
Warsaw Pact
A military alliance between Communist Block nations. USSR, East Germany, Albania, Czech, Poland, Hungary, and Romania -
Period: to
Hungarian Revolution
Anti-Soviet demonstrations in Hungary. The USSR sent in military and crushed the revolt. -
1st Satellite to orbit Earth- sent radio signals back to Earth. launched by the Soviet Union -
Fidel Castro
Communist leader that seized control of Cuba. Had support from Soviet Union -
U-2 Incident
A U-2 American spy plane shot down by the USSR. The plane was flown by Gary Powers. -
John F. Kennedy
President of the US that ordered the Bay of Pigs invasion. President during Vietnam war. -
Yuri Gagarin
Russian Cosmonaut 1st man to travel in space -
Bay of Pigs Incident
Cuban exiles invade Cuba and lead revolt. President Kennedy gave orders for invasion. invasion failed. -
Berlin Wall Built
Built to keep East Germans from fleeing to West Germany -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba -
Period: to
An improvement in US and Soviet relations -
An agreement with North Vietnam that the US withdraws forces. -
Freedom of expression for Soviet citizens put into action by Pres. Gorbachev -
The gradual changing of the soviet economy. It allowed private enterprises and dismantling of national bureaucracy. -
Berlin Wall Torn Down
The reunification of east and west Germany