Yalta Conference
Allied countries gathered at Yalta in Crimea to plan the final defeat and division of Nazi Germany. This was like the united nations for the eastern europe countries. They dealt with local problems to try to make europe better. (YAlta Conference). -
Postdam Conference
It was the last meeting of the big 3 to try to come together and form a treaty. It happened because europe was at war and they had wanted peace so they had came together for this treaty. This affected each country in europe that wanted peace, because they all wanted different things. “Each country was most concerned with its own self interest” ( Potsdam Conference). -
United Nations
A group of countries (United States, Soviet Union, and United Kingdom) wanted to give peace throughout the world. The countries above and 26 others have decided that they want to beat the axis power. This affected everyone involved and they defeated the axis and later were sent to Nigeria to maintain and be the peace keepers of the world. (United Nations). -
It was a pact to form in the west to show that they were different and didn't want connections with the east. It had to show a form of separation between the east and the west. They didn't want to be tied with the east so they formed the nato along with the united states. The countries involved were the “United States, Canada, and numerous European countries” (Nato Reading). They also did this to establish defense against the soviets. -
Korean War 1
North Korea attacked southward towards south korea causing war. It happened because after WWI South Korea was controlled by the United States. North Korea was controlled by Russia. The U.S wanted North and South Korea to come as one and the North didn't want that so they fought to remain separated. -
Korean War 2
South and their allies (including the U.S) cornered the North Koreans which angered china, and later china joined. After a while neither side felt like anything good/bad was happening so they just signed an agreement on peace.
(Korean War). -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam war was war that happened after the country had split into two parts (South Vietnam & North Vietnam). It happened because North Vietnam wanted to unite and become one country under a communist rule while the south didn't want that so they fought to keep their independence. -
Vietnam War 2
This was a civil war between Vietnam which U.S joined the war soon after. The U.S had to cut back its military because the south needed aiding. The North had just overpowered the South and The U.S. North Vietnam had eventually won the War. This impacted the south because they had lost so they had to go under a communist rule which they had fought to be against in the start. When they combined and became one country they had named their capital Hanoi after a fallen leader in army. (Vietnam War). -
Warsaw Pact
Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania formed a pack the would make their military strong against those of the on the west side. It happened because the east felt that since the west had a pact they should have one too it would be like an alliance. “ Another purpose was to strengthen the hold of the Soviet Union over its Eastern European satellites and to prevent their seeking close ties with the West” (Warsaw Pact). -
Suez Crisis 2
This affected France and Britain because they thought it would affect their trade of petroleum from the Persian Gulf. (Suez Crisis). -
Suez Crisis
The Egyptians took over the suez canal so that they can pay for their construction of the aswan high dam. They built the bridge because they had made connections with Czechoslovakia and the soviet union and this would make easier access. The egyptians didn't have much money so they figured if they took control over the suez canal they could charge people for using it and they could pay for the dam construction in just 5 years. -
Space Race/Sputnik
Russia launched a satellite (sputnik) in space 1957. The russians launched sputnik because they thought that they were at the top of the technology. This had angered and worried the united states. Sputnik launching at angered the U.S because they thought they military and technology were more advanced than everyone else. -
Space Race/Sputnik 2
This had worried the U.S because they thought they had fallen behind in technology and they worked hard competing and surpassing russia (Eventually surpassed Russia by landing on the moon first). (Sputnik). -
Cuban Missile Crisis
John F Kennedy and the Russians had an issue with missiles. The U.S had missiles in turkey while Russia had missiles in Cuba. Both sides felt threatened by having these missiles so close their country they felt that a nuclear war can start at anything. The U.S felt dominant over russia and when russia placed their missiles so close to the U.S, U.S thought it was a sign of war. -
Cuban Missile Crisis 2
So they went out and put theirs in turkey. A man was flying over sea and russia shot it down because of fear of attack. Instead of going into war John F. Kennedy went and got a peace treaty to prevent anymore from happening. One man thought it would be his day alive but was surprised when war didn't break out. (Cuban Missile Crisis). -
Berlin Wall
Germany had built a wall that would divide West Berlin and East Germany. This happened because berlin wanted to get from west germany’s control. They thought that if they built a wall is will cut off East and West Germany's connection. At first their was bob wire to separate the sides but then over time a wall was built to really separate the side and make a difference. The wall lasted from 1961 to 1989. (The Berlin Crisis). -
Glasnost & Perestroika
Glasnost was term meaning openness which was when the Soviet Union were open to a change their government. Perestroika was that they wanted to reconstruct their government and make it better, but still wanted to keep some the same policies. It happened because the Soviet Union were going through some political and social issues so they had a discussion to see what changes were needed to make the country better. -
Glasnost & Perestroika 2
This had benefited the people of Soviet Union because now and they had a choice who they wanted for the higher power because elections had took place. (Glasnost). (Perestroika).