Cold war

Cold War Timeline

  • Korea divided at 38th Parallel

    Korea divided at 38th Parallel
    At the end of World War II, Korea divided at the 38th parallel. Two new states were established. Noth Korea was ran by Communist Kim II-Sung while South Korea was ran by anticommunist autocrat, Syngman Rhee.
  • Ho Chi Minh declared independence

    Ho Chi Minh declared independence
    Ho Chi Minh declard independence from France because he thought there was nothing left to do. His quote in the declaration is, " All men are created equal."
  • MacArthur Commands

    MacArthur Commands
    Douglas MacArthur surves as Japan's supreme commander. He halts a plan that is to dissolve Japan's largest industrial corporations. He wanted to use them as a way to rebuild Japan as an anticommunist bastion.
  • GATT Agreed

    GATT Agreed
    General Agreement on Tariffs and trade were developed in 23 western nations, including the United States. It is a agreement on freer trade. This agreement created new markets for American goods and investment abroad.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    After the United States, Britain, and France introduced the Deutsche Mark to serve as a single currency for their three zones of occupation in western Germany, the Soviets impose the Berlin blockade, which cut off rail and road access to the capital city,
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    Western European nations joined the United States and Canada to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This organization was formed to extend the deterrent threat of America's nuclear weapons to cover Western Europe.
  • Stalin Concedes to Korean Invasion

    Stalin Concedes to Korean Invasion
    Kim II-Sung, Noth Korean leader, goes to Moscow to talk to Josef Stalin, Soviet leader. He asks Stalin for his permission to invade South Korea and begin the Korean War. Stalin believed that the United States has little interest in Korea so he grants his permission.
  • German Border

    German Border
    The Soviets close the border between East and West Germany, but not between East and West Berlin. The capital city becomes a gateway for people wishing to cross between the two Germanys, mainly fleeing from the Communist East to the more prosperous West.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    The United States explodes their first hydrogen bomb. This bomb is far more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. It was exploded at Enewetak in the South Pacific.
  • Domino Theory

    Domino Theory
    President Dwight Eisenhower believed in the Domino theory which is a belief that once one nation falls to communism (like Indochina) more will start, one after another. He felt is was just a continuation, one after another ongoing.