Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    U.S. Political and Social Change Timeline

  • Yalta Conference(P)

    Yalta Conference(P)
    President Roosevelt and Allied leaders meet to discuss about postwar issues
  • War in the Pacific Ends(P)

    War in the Pacific Ends(P)
    On August 15, 1945 the Japanese surrenders after the the two atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Invention of the Transistor(S)

    Invention of the Transistor(S)
    Bell Laboratories invents the transistor
  • Suburbs(S)

    The start of new communities that started in New York by Bill and Alfred Levitt and throughout the fifties it spread through the western and southern part of the U.S. called the Sunbelt
  • NATO(P)

    The United States joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Korean War Starts(P)

    Korean War Starts(P)
    UN Forces under General MacArthur land in Inchon, South Korea
  • The First Computer(S)

    The First Computer(S)
    The first computer is on the market
  • Hydrogen Bomb(P)

    Hydrogen Bomb(P)
    The U.S. tests its first Hydrogen Bomb
  • Segregation(S)

    The Supreme Court ruled that segregation is unconstitutional in public schools
  • Vaccine(S)

    The vaccine was developed by a scienists named Jonas Salk that was supposed to cure polio and kill or weaken germs in the body
  • First Interstate Highway(S)

    First Interstate Highway(S)
    Funds for the Interstate Highway System is approved by Congress
  • Cuban Missile Crises(P)

    Cuban Missile Crises(P)
    It started when Cuba had 2 year guerilla war in the country and then the Soviet Union planned to place nuclear weapons in Cuba for a possible attack against the U.S. and the U.S. in response placed nuclear weapons in Turkey in case of an attack and Nikita Khrushchev ordered his ships to turn back and thats how it ended.
  • Civil Rights(S)

    Civil Rights(S)
    Into the law the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed by President Johnson
  • Vietnam War(P)

    Vietnam War(P)
    It started when the U.S. aided the French in the Indochina War and from there the U.S. started to supply and assist South Vietnam and after that the U.S. got more involved in the war by the Tonkin Gulf Resolution passed by Congress which expanded U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
  • Pueblo(P)

    North Korea captured a U.S. Navy ship called the Pueblo