Truman Doctrine
Harry Truman announces Truman Doctrine and the provision of aid to Greece. -
Marshall Plan
General George C. Marshall announces the Marshall Plan. -
Elections in Korea
United Nations General Assembly call for elections in Korea. -
Berlin Airlift
The start of the Berlin Airlift. -
President of Israel
Chaim Weizmann becomes president of Israel. -
President of Czechoslovakia
Klement Gottwald becomes President of Czechoslovakia. -
Israel agrees an armistice with Egypt. -
Opposition to the Soviets
North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) is founded to provide opposition to the Soviet Union. -
Communist Forces Advance
Communist forces in China capture Nanjing. -
Government in Egypt
Mustafa Pasha forms a nationalist government in Egypt. -
Alger Hiss
Alger Hiss is convicted for concealing his membership of the Communist Party. -
Hydrogen Bomb
Harry Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb. -
Chinese and North Korean troops capture Seoul. -
Atom Bombs
General Douglas MacArthur advocates the use of atom bombs in Korean War. -
Seoul Recaptured
United Nations troops recapture Seoul. -
More Atom Bombs
Winston Churchill announces that Britain has an atom bomb. -
Cuban Government
Fulgencio Batista overthrows the Cuban government of President Prio Socarras. -
Rudolf Slansky is executed in Czechoslovakia for Titoism. -
President of Yugoslavia
Josip Tito elected President of Yugoslavia. -
Stalin's End
Joseph Stalin dies. -
Rosenberg Trials
Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg executed. -
Prime Minister of Soviets
Gregory Malenkov is replaced by Nikolai Bulganin as prime minister of the Soviet Union. -
It is agreed that West Germany should join NATO. -
Front for National Liberation mounts an insurrection in Algeria. -
China and North Vietnam
China agrees to provide North Vietnam with economic aid. -
Conscription is introduced in China. -
Germans and Soviets
Diplomatic relations restored between West Germany and the Soviet Union. -
Denouncing Stalin
Nikita Khrushchev denounces former leader Joseph Stalin. -
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union abolishes the Cominform. -
Tito and Soviets
President Josip Tito visits the Soviet Union. -
Enlai and the Soviets
Zhou Enlai, prime minister of China, visits the Soviet Union. -
Battle In Egypt
Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. -
President Dwight Eisenhower resumes aid to Israel. -
New Soviet Minister
Nikita Khrushchev replaces Nikolai Bulganin as prime minister of the Soviet Union. -
Secret Execution
Imre Nagy, former prime minister of Hungary, is executed after a secret trial. -
Nikita and Mao
Nikita Khrushchev meets Mao Zedong in China and call for an end of all nuclear testing. -
Fidel Castro and his victorious troops enter Havana. -
No To China
Member states vote again against the admission of China to the United Nations. -
More Algeria
The United Nations decide not to intervene in the independence struggle in Algeria. -
Riot In The Capital
French settlers in Algeria riot in Algiers. -
Survey Aircrafts
Soviet forces shoot down a US RB-47 survey aircraft. -
East Germany
East Germany imposes blockade of West Berlin. -
Murders In The Congos
Patrice Lumumba is murdered in Katanga, Congo. -
Porky Cuba
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. -
South Vietnam
United States promises to support South Vietnam against communist aggression.