Russian Revolution & Beginning of the Soviet Union
Communism was born out of the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks overthrew the government and killed the royal family. There on they were fascinated with communism and created a different type of government. There began the Soviet Union. -
Establishment of the United Nations
During the end of World War II nations were pushing for peace. 50 nations met in San Francisco to establish the United Nations. It was founded to promote peace and national cooperation. -
Germany Divides
After Germany surrendered it was divided into two, East and West Germany. east Germany was occupied by Soviets and West Germany was occupied by Americans and others. Soviets created a blockade so Americans and the Allies would starve out. Luckily they received supplies by aircraft. The blockade continued for some time but eventually the Soviets removed the blockade. -
Truman Doctrine
Created by President Truman to provide help to all democratic nations under threat of communism -
Marshall Plan
It was a plan to help Europe recover from the war. The United States sent vast amounts of money to 16 nations to rebuild cities, railroads, factories, and electrical systems -
NATO: Western Alliance
Ten Western European countries, America, and Canada created an alliance. If any country in the alliance was threatened the alliance would make it as that their own country was under attack. -
Korean War
The peninsula of Korea was split in two, North and South. North Korea was pro communism and South was supported by America. As the war continued Truman was afraid that it could expand into a World War. Therefore he pushed for peace. The agreement left Korea in two. the North had a communist government while South Korea was pushing for a democracy. -
The Warsaw Pact
Alliance formed but the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and East Germany. If any country within the alliance was attacked, other countries within the alliances will come to their defense. -
Vietnam War
Vietnam became a communist country and fought against the southern part of Vietnam where the American military was positioned. As the fight continued Johnson sent more and more troops -
Bay of Pigs
Planned invasion by the U.S. towards Cuba. Plan went completely wrong and many invaders were killed or captured. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuba allowed Soviet missiles to be planted in Cuba and President Kennedy took the challenge head on. He blocked off more missile shipments first. After the response, Kruschchev agreed to remove the missiles as long as America promised not to invade Cuba -
Gorbachev In Office
Gorbachev was the new leader of the Soviet Union and when he took office, the Soviet economy was failing. He hoped to reform the communist system and make it work better. He used a policy of glanost which let there be an increased freedom of the press, speech , and religion. He also reduced the amount of military power. -
Berlin Wall
East Germany created the wall so East Germans would stop fleeing and traveling to West Berlin. If anyone tried to escape they would be shot on sight. For the next 30 years the Berlin Wall served as an important symbol.