Cold War Timeline

  • Conflict increases

    Conflict increases
    After the war The Soviet Union and the Western Nations did not get along but even before the war their relationship was bad. So after it just continually got worse.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The U.S was willing to help Europe so they provided 13 billion dollars. Those funds were used to help rebuild Europe.
  • Containment

    The Marshall plan and The Truman Doctrine represented containment which resulted in containment. That meant they resisted the aggression.
  • Period: to

    Starting and Ending date

  • The Arms Race

    The Arms Race
    The American's and the Soviet began a race (metaphorically) of "who can build the most powerful weapons". This eventually became very dangerous and tense.
  • Communism in Cuba

    Communism in Cuba
    Fidel Castro installed a communist government. The American officials believed that the Bay of Pigs Invasion would start a up rising and overthrow him. Cuba was holding missiles
  • North America

    North America
    North America at this time was undergoing human increase, more demand for consumer goods and rapid inflation. All good changes were happening.
  • The End

    The End
    The end of the Cold War was contributed by the Soviet union breaking up its republic's also with the end of communism change. Also with ethnic cleansing.