Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Harry Truman Announces Truman Doctrine

    Harry Truman Announces Truman Doctrine
    This Doctrine would help provide aid to the European country, Greece. Its stated purpose was to counter expansion by the Soviet Union.
  • George C. Marshall Announces the Marshall Plan

    George C. Marshall Announces the Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was an initiative implemented to aid Western Europe. The US gave over 12 billion dollars to European countries located in this region.
  • The UN calls for elections in Korea

    The UN calls for elections in Korea
    The United Nations General Assembly calls for Presidential Elections in Korea at the end of 1947.
  • Jan Masaryk is murdered

    Jan Masaryk is murdered
    Masaryk was the foreign minister in Czechoslovakia at the time. The cause of death is unknown, but it is likely that he was killed.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The blockade was an attempt to limit France, Great Britain and the United States through the airway. The Soviet Union wanted to make it so they would block their enemy's airways during the war.
  • Yugoslavia is exported out of the Communist Party

    Yugoslavia is exported out of the Communist Party
    Yugoslavia was still a country in Europe in 1948 and this is when their downfall began as they were kicked out of the Communist party by countries like Germany and Russia.
  • Israel signs armistice with Egypt

    Israel signs armistice with Egypt
    The bad blood between these two sides finally ended in 1949. It also affected neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
  • Communists in China capture Nanjing

    Communists in China capture Nanjing
    They invaded the Asian country and took whatever they could as they held the citizens of the Chinese city as hostages and took over their land and resources.
  • West Germany is Created

    West Germany is Created
    After separating themselves from the European country that was controlled by history's most ruthless dictator, they labeled the land "West Germany." The population was 63 million in 1990 when the country was renamed.
  • Truman Orders Development of the Hydrogen Bomb

    Truman Orders Development of the Hydrogen Bomb
    Harry S. Truman publicly made it known that he was in favor of this weapon being built and used. It was claimed to be 100 times more powerful than an atomic bomb.
  • China and the Soviet Union sign a Treaty

    China and the Soviet Union sign a Treaty
    The two Asian countries signed a peace treaty that would go on to last for 30 years.
  • North Korea Invades South Korea

    North Korea Invades South Korea
    This marked the beginning of the Korean War as North Korean forces invaded South Korea on this day in 1950.
  • China and North Korea Troops Capture Seoul

    China and North Korea Troops Capture Seoul
    The Third Battle of Seoul resulted in China and North Korea capturing the South Korean city from the United States.
  • The United States Recaptures Seoul

    The United States Recaptures Seoul
    The United Nations once again took control of the South Korean city and they regained possession of the district they once had.
  • Douglas MacArthur Advocates for the use of Atomic Bombs

    Douglas MacArthur Advocates for the use of Atomic Bombs
    General of the US Army, MacArthur believed that we would have a better chance at winning the war if we implemented this strategy on the battlefield.
  • Winston Churchill Announces that England has an Atom Bomb

    Winston Churchill Announces that England has an Atom Bomb
    Churchill announced that Britain was in possession of an atom bomb that they would use against Japan, if necessary.
  • Batista Overthrows the Cuban Government

    Batista Overthrows the Cuban Government
    Fulgencio Batista took over for the country's president, Prio Socarras. His reign lasted for four years before being forced out by well-known dictator Fidel Castro.
  • Rakosi becomes Prime Minister of Hungary

    Rakosi becomes Prime Minister of Hungary
    In August of 1952, Hungary changed leaders as they appointed Matyas Rakosi to oversee their militarily and government operations simultaneously.
  • Joseph Stalin Dies

    Joseph Stalin Dies
    Stalin died after suffering a stroke during the midst of the Cold War. His health started to waver after the second World War and he succumbed to his heavy smoking and the heart attack he suffered.
  • Rosenbergs are Executed

    Rosenbergs are Executed
    Our country was divided on how to handle the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. After a trial involving the Russian Spies, the pair were handed the death sentence.
  • United Nations, China and Korea sign an Armistice

    United Nations, China and Korea sign an Armistice
    The armistice was signed in Panmunjom and basically ended the Korean War. The treaty brought peace between the North and South.
  • US Tests a Hydrogen Bomb in the Marshall Islands

    US Tests a Hydrogen Bomb in the Marshall Islands
    Many feared that this would hurt the development of the arms race in the war and this is exactly what it did as the Soviet Union ended up developing a thermonuclear device.
  • France Agrees to Leave North Vietnam

    France Agrees to Leave North Vietnam
    France leaving Vietnam prompted the Vietnam War to begin as it divided the country into two sides, North and South.
  • West Germany Joins NATO

    West Germany Joins NATO
    NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and it is an international alliance that consists of 29 countries and states.
  • Imre Nagy is Forced to Resign as Prime Minister

    Imre Nagy is Forced to Resign as Prime Minister
    Nagy was the prime minister of Hungary until he was executed. He was in collaborations with the Soviet Union at the time.
  • Conscription is Introduced in China

    Conscription is Introduced in China
    A conscription system is employed in China. This means that a draft system was introduced and anyone avoiding this would be punished accordingly.
  • Relations Restored between West Germany and The Soviet Union

    Relations Restored between West Germany and The Soviet Union
    West Germany and the Soviet Union became allies again as they joined forces in their fight against the United States.
  • Soviet Union Abolishes the Cominform

    Soviet Union Abolishes the Cominform
    The Cominform was the name given to the Communist Information Bureau. Russia was no longer in favor of its use as they seeked to get rid of it.
  • Political Protests in Poland

    Political Protests in Poland
    74 people are killed in Poznan, Poland as the country is unjust in regards to what side they support in the Cold War. Poland was one of the most conflicting sides during this time period.
  • United Nations Demands Soviet Union Withdraws Troops from Hungary

    United Nations Demands Soviet Union Withdraws Troops from Hungary
    Hungary was one of the casualties of the World War as many of their citizens lost their lives by the hands of Russians troops. The UN decided enough was enough and asked for them to remove themselves from the European country.
  • Eisenhower restores Aid in Israel

    Eisenhower restores Aid in Israel
    The United States of America originally helped Israel in terms of financially and economically. This stopped for a short while and then resumed in 1957.
  • Soviet Union asks Britain and US to stop Nuclear Testing

    Soviet Union asks Britain and US to stop Nuclear Testing
    Fearing for the well being of their country, Russia asked them to cease testing until further notice. The US was wary to follow this order as they did not want to do so.
  • Britain Tests its First Hydrogen Bomb Over Christmas Islands

    Britain Tests its First Hydrogen Bomb Over Christmas Islands
    Britain was preparing to deploy the hydrogen bomb and the first place they tested it is the Christmas Islands. These islands are located near Australia and reside in the Indian Ocean.
  • Khrushchev replaces Bulganin as Prime Minister of the Soviet Union

    Khrushchev replaces Bulganin as Prime Minister of the Soviet Union
    After a power struggle between the two diplomatic leaders, Khrushchev came out successful as he became the new Prime Minister of Russia.
  • Imre Nagy is Executed After a Secret Trial

    Imre Nagy is Executed After a Secret Trial
    The Prime Minister of Hungary at the time, Nagy, was murdered by the Soviets after being accused of treason.
  • Soviet Union Demands that All Troops Be Removed from Berlin

    Soviet Union Demands that All Troops Be Removed from Berlin
    Russian Troops finally left Germany after their reign over the country lasted for close to 5 years. They demanded that all soldiers deployed in Berlin must leave at once.
  • Fidel Castro and his Troops Enter Havana

    Fidel Castro and his Troops Enter Havana
    The beginning of 1959 marked a new reign for Fidel Castro and Cuba as he marched his troops into Havana. The journey took them eight days to finally reach the capital.
  • Member States Vote Against Adding China to the United Nations

    Member States Vote Against Adding China to the United Nations
    China was preparing to be added to the UN until member states voted on the matter and it was decided that they would still be left out.
  • United Nations Decides Not to Intervene in Algeria

    United Nations Decides Not to Intervene in Algeria
    Algeria was fighting for their independence from France and the UN decided that it would be best if they did not intervene at this point in time.
  • American Plane Shot Flying over the Soviet Union

    American Plane Shot Flying over the Soviet Union
    The United States of America implemented the U-2 model plane during the Cold War and one was shot down as it was flying over Russia in 1960.
  • Brezhnev becomes President of the Soviet Union

    Brezhnev becomes President of the Soviet Union
    Nearing the end of the war between the United States and the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev wins the Presidential Election of 1960.
  • United States Ends all Aid to Cuba

    United States Ends all Aid to Cuba
    The United States of America did not want anything to do with dictator, Fidel Castro, as they cut all ties to the country near Central America.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs invasion was a failed military invasion of Cuba, as 1,400 exiles launched a botched invasion that saw Castro rise to power shortly after.
  • Soviet Unions Agrees to Send Arms to Cuba

    Soviet Unions Agrees to Send Arms to Cuba
    Attempting to overthrow the US, the Soviet Union decided that they would help Cuba in their fight. They sent firearms and weapons to the country run by Fidel Castro during this time period.
  • United States Promises to Support Southern Vietnam

    United States Promises to Support Southern Vietnam
    In their fight against Northern Vietnam, the United States of America promised to provide the Northern side with revision and aid.