Russian revolution
This revolution started a peaceful protest that was lead by A russian Orthodox priest, Father Gapon.During the protest they were met by a group of military soldiers who fired upon the crowd.The news of this quickly spread and many protests began ranging from liberal writings to worker strikes and even some assassinations.On October 30th the tsar agreed to their terms, but by December he had the military, whom just returned from the Japanese-Russian-War Fire upon the groups. -
Potsdam Conference
The final meeting of the WWll meetings between the 3 heads of state. They met to figure out what to do with Germany and their soldiers, as well as the land left that was taken by Germany during the war. Unconditional surrender from Japan was also discussed during the meeting. This was also when President Truman got word that Manhattan project was a success. -
Atomic Bomb - Hiroshima/Nagasaki
On July 16th, 1945 the world's most destructive weapon, the atomic bomb, was created. Later on August 6th, 1945 the first atomic bomb was used on Hiroshima to try and end WWII. That failed so the U.S. dropped a second nuclear bomb on August 9th, 1945 on Nagasaki, which ended WWII. -
Truman Doctrine
This was a policy that would help foreign nations that needed assistance. The U.S. would help if there was external or internal threats to the foreign nations. -
Iron Curtain
After suffering two invasions from Germany, the Soviet Union decided to make friends with the countries surrounding it and use them as s shield to protect themselves from further invasion. -
Molotov Plan
A Soviet Union plan to help rebuild countries in Eastern Europe, that were aligned with the Soviet Union. It can be seen as the Marshal Plan of the S.U. -
Hollywood 10
10 hollywood actors were convicted of being communists. Them and many others were banned from making any movies. -
Marshal Plan
The U.S. plan to aid Western European Nations after World War 2. They gave over $13 billion dollars to help aid them. -
Berlin Blockade
In 1948, the Soviet Union blocked off Berlin from the rest of the worlds powers. This caused many difficulties for Germany and the rest of the worlds powers. -
Soviet Bomb Test
This was the first testing of the Soviet Unions nuclear bomb testing. This frightened the U.S. and led us to testing more of our own nuclear bomb testing. -
Berlin Airlift
Because of the blockade of Berlin the U.S. felt like it had to do something to assist Berlin. They flew planes over Berlin they dropped crates of supplies into Berlin for the people. -
A grouping between North America and European states. based on the North Atlantic Treaty. This was signed on april 4th 1949. They then formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. -
Alger Hiss case
An American Government official whom was accused of being a Soviet spy. He was also involved in the establishment of the United Nations as the U.S. State Department Official and as a U.N. official. -
Rosenberg Trial
THese two were United States citizens who were arrested for conspiracy of espionage for the S.U. They were later executed for this. -
Korean War
This began when North Korea had invaded South Korea. This led to the United States coming to the aid of South Korea. -
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
The first battle of the Indochina War. This battle was against the French Union's French Far East Expeditionary Corps and the Viet-Minh communist-nationalist revolutionaries. -
Army-McCarthy Hearings
These were a series of hearings by the United States Subcommittee. The hearings were to investigate accusations between the United States Army and Senator Joseph McCarthy. -
Geneva Conference
Conference among many nations on what to do with the results of the Korean war and the discussion of peace in Indochina. This took place in Geneva, Switzerland. -
Warsaw Pact
This was a pact during the cold war between the Soviet Union and 7 other countries in the central and eastern part of Europe.This pact was establish an evening out after the creation of NATO. -
Hungarian Revolution
A Hungarian revolt against the Hungarians People Republic and the Soviet -imposed policies. This lasted for a while until it was crushed by soviet forces. -
U2 incident
This occurred when an American U2 plane was shot down in Soviet air space. This occurred during the Cold War. -
Bay of Pigs Incident
This was a failed invasion into Cuba by the U.S. military. This invasion was taken on by the CIA-sponsored group Brigade 2506. -
Berlin wall
A physically constructed wall that east separated Berlin from the rest of Berlin. The destruction of the wall began on June 13, 1990. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
!3 day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union about American Missile deployment in Italy and Turkey. There was also missle deployment in Cub by the Soviet Union. -
Assassination of Diem
This was the first successful backing of a CIA backed overthrow of power. They had also arrested his brother. -
Assassination of JFK
John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 at 12:30 p.m. while in his motorcade, while in Dallas, Texas. A single person, Lee Harvey Oswald, pulled of the assassination. -
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Order passed by congress that allowed President Johnson to do what he needed by any means necessary to retaliate and promote international peace and security in Southwest Asia. -
Tet Offensive
The largest North Vietnamese assault against South Vietnam and the United States Army. THis assault focused on Military and civilian command and control centers in S.V. -
Assassination of MLK
Shot on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Memorial in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray. -
Riots of Democratic Convention
Riots that broke out over the nation due to the death of MLK and the election of a new democratic president. -
Assassination of RFK
After winning the California Presidential primaries he was fatally shot. He died the next day while at the hospital. -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
The invasion of Czechoslovakia was carried out by four Warsaw Pact Nations. This invasion was also known as Operation Danube on August 20, 1968. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
Arial assault carried out by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Vietnam Air Force. This assault was carried out against the North Vietnamese. -
Election of Nixon
The election of 1968 was won by a landslide by President Richard Nixon. -
Kent State
Kent State was home to one of the first school shooting to gain national attention. On May 4th, 1970 a group of unarmed students who were protesting the Vietnam War were shot. -
Nixon visits China.
THis visit helped rebuild the relations between the U.S. and China. This was also the first time a U.S. president had visited the PRC in history. -
Ceasefire in Vietnam
A ceasefire was going into affect for North and South Vietnam but both sides of the war violated it. In the time of the ceasefire there was 2980 combat instances during the ceasefire. -
Fall of Saigon
This was the fall of South Vietnam's capital, Saigon. It was captured by the Viet Cong. on April 30, 1975. -
Regan Elected
President Reagan was elected into office in November 4, 1980 after a landslide victory. -
SDI Announced
This was a defense initiative that would incorporate ground, sea, and air based missile defense systems. Department of Defense oversaw this initiative. -
Geneva Conference with Gorbachev
A meeting between President Reagan and General Mikhail Gorbachev to discus the arms race and international diplomatic relations. -
‘Tear down this wall’ speech
This was a speech that President Reagan gave, trying to get the SOviet Leader to tear down the wall separating East Berlin from the West. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Leader of the Soviet Union tears down wall separating the West and East sides of Berlin.