Cold war timeline

  • Period: to

    Soviet atomic bomb

    who: soviet union
    where: Atomgrad Russia
    what: soviet union began developing a nuclear weapon
    why: in response to the united states developing and using one in Japan.
    effect on the cold war: both sides had very powerful and dangerous weapons developing.
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    Yalta Conference

    who: Franklin D. Roosevelt (USA), Winston churchill(United Kingdom) and Joseph Stalin(USSR)
    Where: Yalta Russia
    why: Discuss ways to reestablish post war Europe
    what: a conference between the big 3
    What effect on the cold war: determined that Stalin was very set on his communist views, and that their views were divided.
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    Who : Harry Truman (USA), Winston Churchill (Britain) and Joseph Stalin (USSR)
    what: last conference of the big 3 about post war europe and rebuilding Germany. Also about forcing Japan to surrender.
    where: Potsdam Germany
    why: they met to make decisions about post war Europe, how to rebuild Germany and make Japan surrender.
    effect on the cold war: Their political and economic differences were becoming more prevalent and they had mutual desire for control over Europe and Asia.
  • Hiroshima bombing

    who: USA to Japan
    where: Hiroshima Japan
    what: USA dropped an atomic bomb on Japan
    why: to make japan surrender from the war
    effect on the cold war: made the USSR rush to make their own nuclear weapon because the USA had one and would use it.
  • Nagasaki bombing

    who: USA on Japan
    where: Nagasaki Japan
    what: The USA drops a second bomb on Japan
    why: to make them surrender
    effect on the war:
    the soviet union saw what the USA was capable of and began building their own bomb.
  • Molotov plan

    what: created by the soviet union to provide aid to the countries in eastern Europe that were allied with them.
    why: counter the Marshall plan and provide aid for their allies.
    where: eastern Europe
    who: USSR
    effect on he cold war: They were supporting their allies and buying them selves loyalty and spreading communism.
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    Truman doctrine

    who: Harry Truman
    Where: USA
    what: stated that america would provide support to nations threatened by soviet communism led to the formation of nato.
    why: created to counter soviet threats and expansion and help the greeks.
    effect on cold war: They didn't want any other countries to fall to the communist so they sent aid in an attempt to buy their loyalty. They were expanding their sphere of influence and have more allies.
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    Brussels treaty

    who: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands and the United kingdom.
    what: a treaty to protect western Europe from Germany.
    why: Provide western Europe with defence against the communist threat and have more security.
    where: Brussels Belgium
    effect on the war: Was eventually put into NATO to defend against the USSR and not Germany who was not as big a threat.
  • Period: to

    Marshall plan

    What: American plan to aid western Europe and help build europe after world war 2.
    Why: Rebuild war torn regions, remove trade barriers modernize industry and prevent the spread of communism.
    where: USA Aid to other countries
    who : Harry truman (USA) gave money to Europe ( United kingdom, France, west Germany)
    effect on cold war: America was buying friends to try and expand their sphere of influence. They offered aid to the soviet union but it was rejected.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockaid

    who: soviet union, USA, France, and great Britain.
    where: Berlin Germany
    what: Soviet union blocked all rail way and canal access into Berlin preventing aid from getting in.
    why: try and stop aid from coming in and try and get the western powers to drop the Deutsche mark.
    effect on the cold war: this was the first conflict of the cold war and it created tension between the two sides because the USA could not get much needed supplies in.
  • NATO

    Where: washington DC USA
    What: North atlantic treaty organization. War defence alliance made up of countries.
    why: protect its members countries and have a war alliance.
    who: Britian, France and USA are permanent members with 29 other countries as members and 21 others participate in partnership for peace.

    effect on cold war. Created a powerful alliance which protected each other. They out numbered the soviets making them a harder target.
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    Korean war

    who: North Korea, south Korea the USA Soviet union and China
    where: south Korea and the border
    what: north Korea invaded south Korea
    why: the north was trying to take over the south and join Korea
    effect on war: The soviet union and china took the side of the north and began aiding them. The USA took the side of the south and began aiding them. They were on opposite sides.
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    Warsaw pact

    who: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, east Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania Ussr.
    where: Moscow Germany
    what: Military alliance of the communists in reaction to NATO
    why: to remain in control of central and eastern Germany and it was a reaction to west Germany joining NATO.
    effect on cold war: both alliances expanded their military forces
  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

    where: Vietnam. Laos and Cambodia
    who: Vietnam, USSR China and USA.
    what: north Vietnam was fighting with south Vietnam
    why: north was under the influence of the Chinese and was expanding into south Vietnam and south Vietnam would give up their country.
    effect: the south was aided by the USA and other anti communist countries. the north was influenced and supported by the soviet union and china(communists).
  • Period: to

    Hungarian revolution

    Who: Hungary and the soviet union
    where: hungary
    what: revolt against their government and their soviet policies and communist ways.
    why: The people didn't want the communist ways of the soviet union force upon them so they started a revolution.
    effect on war: The soviet union was loosing another country that was apart of warsaw pact

    what: is a combined organization between the USA and Canada. why: It provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty and protection.
    who/where : Canada and USA
    effect on the cold war: It was to have protection and an alliance against soviet air attacks and to have early warnings to be prepared. It helped discourage air attacks.
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    Fidel Castro taking over

    who: Cuba ( Fidel Castro) USA and the Soviet union
    what: he took over Cuba after the Cuban revolution and turned it into a communist state.
    why: promoted health care and education opposed former Cuban government.
    where: Cuba
    Effect on war: it scarred the USA because the soviet union had missiles close to the USA now and it was threatening.
  • bay of pigs

    who: Cuba (Fide; Castro) and the USA
    what: military group of exiles from Cuba sought to over throw the communist government.
    why: the USA funded this invasion because Cuba was a communist threat attached to the soviet union.
    where: Cuba
    effect on the cold war: The failed invasion added to the already tense situation and caused the soviet union to place missiles on Cuba as a threat.
  • Period: to

    creation of berlin wall

    who: communist government of Germany.
    where Berlin Germany
    what: built a wall separating east and west Berlin
    why: keep western fascist from entering east Germany and keep people from going from east to west.
    effect: The blockade prevented people from coming to the west and aid from getting in. it was a communist way of showing they were gaining control.
  • end of Cuban missile crisis

    who: Cuba USSR and USA
    where: Cuba and USA
    what: Soviet union gave Cuba missiles
    why: to protect and stop the USA from invading Cuba again.
    effect on war: the missiles were so close to the USA that it was a big threat. The USA agreed to take their missiles out of turkey is the Soviet union took them away from Cuba. This was the closes it came to a nuclear war during the cold war.
  • nuclear arms treaties

    who: USA Soviet union Britain France
    what: signed to make peaceful uses of nuclear weapons
    why: to prevent a nuclear war and promote peace.
    where:the world
    effect on war: stopped people from developing nuclear weapons and being able to use them. also promoted peace.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Afghan war

    where: Afghanistan
    Who: USA Soviet union Afghanistan
    what: Mujahideen fought against the soviet union and the communist Afghan government.
    why: They didn't want the forced communism and the government was arresting and killing people for no reason.
    effect on war: The USA sided with the Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviets and communism.
  • solidarity in Poland

    who: Polish citizens
    where: Poland
    what: the first trade union in the warsaw pact that wasn't controlled by communists.
    why: they were opposing the government and the communist party.
    effect on the war: it shrunk the soviet's sphere of influence and they lost some of their control.
  • Falling of berlin wall

    where: Berlin Germany
    who: east and west german people
    what: the wall was taken down that separated the east from west by the people on both sides and then later the government.
    why: the wall prevented the people from crossing back and forth in berlin it was took keep the people separate and keep the east communist.
    effect on the war: Soviet union was loosing its control with the falling of the wall. The people were allowed to come back across and were no longer trapped under communist rule.
  • Stalins death

    who: Joesph Stalin
    Where: Moscow Russia
    what: Stalin the leader of the soviet union
    why: stroke
    effect on war: the leader that replaced him was a lot more petty and threatening. the soviet union was now under different power.
  • Period: to

    Czechoslovakia revolution

    where: Czechoslovakia
    who: the Czechs and the slovaks Citizens
    what: rebellion to the government
    Why: They apposed the governments total control and communist policies. The government turned into a democracy.
    effect on the war: The soviet union lost another country that was communist and turned into a democracy. They withdrew from the warsaw pact and joined NATO.
  • end of cold war

    who:the soviet union and the USA and all their allies
    where: the world
    what:the end of a proxy war with much military development.
    why: the conflict is over so the tension was released and everyone can be happy and at peace.