Potsdam Conference 1
The last allied conference of WWII was held at Potsdam, there they discussed peace settlements for Europe. During the Potsdam Conference there was military campaign against Japan and after there were occupation zones that were set up (Potsdam Conference). -
Potsdam Conference 2
Later on Truman told Stalin about the atomic bomb that the United States wanted to use on Japan, this later led to the U.S giving Japan an ultimatum because Truman knew if they didn't accept he could fight back. Japan didn’t accept the United States ultimatum which then caused the atomic bombs dropping in Japan (Potsdam Conference). -
NATO is a political and militarial alliance between the United States, Canada and many other states. On April 4, 1949 12 countries signed the NAT contract, they created a pact and also created a strong military together. NATO created a pact because they wanted to make sure that if the Soviet Union attacked them they would be able to fight back. Since the NATO was created it caused the Soviet Union to create the Warsaw Pact (NATO). -
Korean War 1
The Korean War was between North Korea and South Korea, it was a battle over communism. During the Korean war the Soviet Union boycotted the security council meeting.North Korea had been winning the war and was closing in on South Korea so the United States and 15 other countries sent troops to help out South Korea during the war (Korean War). -
Korean War 2
South Korea and it’s allies then advance to North Korea and because of this China joined the war. South Korea and North Korea sign a peace treaty to end the war. The Korean War had killed 1,300,000 Koreans, 1,000,000 Chinese, 500,000 North Koreans, and 37,000 Americans (Korean War). -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw pact was created between the Soviet and Eastern Europe, together they created an alliance. Together they put troops and weapons in Eastern Europe. They did this hoping to create a strong army, to have strong defense alliance in response to NATO. The presence of the Warsaw Pact troops caused nationalism and hostility against the Soviet Union (Warsaw Pact). -
Suez Crisis
In 1956 a problem came up to America, America and Britain had decided to not finance Egypt's construction of the Aswan high dam when they had promised they would.The UN evacuated British and French troops and Israeli troops withdrew. Then 10 Brigades invaded Egypt and went toward the canal. Since America and Britain broke the promise they decided to seize control of the Suez Canal. Trying to do things in secret Britain and France prepared military action to regain control(Suez). -
Hungarian Revolution
In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev announced a speech that attacked Joseph Stalin who at the time was ruling. Following the speech there was a rising of discontent which caused the break out of the fight. During the fight the rebels won the first part of the revolution. In the end Hungary had a slow evolution toward internal autonomy (Hungarian Revolution). -
Space Race/ Sputnik 1
The Soviet Union launched the world’s first artificial satellite which was called the Sputnik this was very alarming to other countries because everyone wanted to be the first. The U.S had feared that they were falling behind on the Space Race so they tried to send off there own satellites but failed many times (Sputnik). -
Space Race / Sputnik 2
Since the United States had a fear of falling behind the policymakers decided to accelerate the space and weapon program. Since the Soviet accomplished sending Sputnik so soon it increased the cold war tensions (Sputnik). -
Cuban Missle Crisis 1
The Soviet Union had sent missiles to Cuba and when John Kennedy found out about the missiles he called a meeting to try and set up a plan about what to do about the missiles. Kennedy’s plan was to have a enact ahava blockade around Cuba. Kennedy wanted to end the problem before it hurt the U.S (Cuban Missile). -
Cuban Missile Crisis 2
The U.S later made an agreement with the Soviet Union to not invade Cuba if they removed the missiles, the Soviet agreed. The Soviet had moved missiles to Cuba because the United States had nuclear weapons in Western Europe and Turkey which had raised concern to the Soviet (Cuban Missile). -
Six-Day War
The six day war was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars. Arab neighbours started to mobilize which caused Israel to prepare a sudden preemptive air assault. That destroyed more than 90 percent of Egypt's air support. That left Egypt vulnerable which helped the Israelis gain a huge victory. As the fight when on the the UN Security Council called for a cease-fire. Egypt had 11,000 casualties, not only did they have many casualties they also suffered militarial losses. (Six-Day). -
Soviet Invasion Of Czechoslovakia
On August 20th the Soviet Union sent Warsaw Pact troops to invade Czechoslovakia. The Soviet Union wanted to crackdown on reformist trends in Prague. During the invasion Czech attempted to join the U.S marshall plan for help. Since the invasion occurred there was a halt in the pace of reform. The government decided to make reforms that were designed to improve the economy. There were also cracks emerging in the communist community (Soviet Invasion). -
Glasnost & Perestrokia
Glasnost was an open discussion of political and social issues. It was introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980’s. He launched the Glasnost that lead to his introduction of Perestroika. Perestroika is a program aimed to reconstruct the Soviet economic and political policy. Glasnost enlarged individual freedom of expression, giving more freedom to publish, and editorial complaining of depressed conditions (Glasnost) (Perestrokia).