Indian Independence
Though the Indian independence movement began in full after World War One, they were not granted their freedom from Britain until 1947. The Indian independence act separated the formal Mogul empire into two separate countries: India and Pakistan. This freedom was not won in a war, but instead was a result of Britain's lack of resources and its lack of desire to keep India under its control. Their release from control was welcome with open arms, though it wasn't over then. -
Indian Independence
Mohandas Ghandi responded to India's new freedom by simply saying it was,"The noblest act of British Nation". However, due to theological and political strife, several hundred people were killed within the first few days of their newly gained freedom. They got through the tough times, and rose to be known as one of the most peaceful countries of its time, despite the bloody beginning to its newly found independence. -
Soviet Launch of Sputnik
Sputnik was the first satellite launched into Earth orbit. It was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4th, 1957. Sputnik's main function was analyzing Earth's atmosphere. In many people's minds, the launch of Sputnik represented a shift in the balance of power in the Cold War from the United States to the Soviet Union. In response to Sputnik, the United States put major emphasis on the development and advancement of their own space programs. -
Soviet launch of Sputnik
Sputnik was a major talking point of the Soviets, who used its launch to emphasize their superiority over western nations. Following Sputnik, fear of communism was widespread in the United States and western countries. They feared that the Soviets were much more technologically advanced them. Sputnik's launch was a major Cold War turning point because it started a two decade long space race, and greatly heightened hostilities between the Soviet Union and the United States. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Located only ninety miles from the United States a nuclear capable Cuba could send warheads to nearly every major city in the United States during the Cold War. In the late 1950's Fidel Castro took over Cuba after a revolution, Castro then declared Cuba a communist country and froze out all American businesses. Russia took advantage of this situation and sent nuclear warheads to Cuba for armament. In October of 1962 a United States U-2 spy plane flying over Cuba spotted a nuclear warhead. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This discovery of Soviet Nuclear warheads shipped to Cuba caused immediate panic in the United States and the immediate threat of nuclear war was imminent. President John F. Kennedy demanded that Nikita Khrushchev remove the Soviet warheads immediately and the United States Navy blockaded Cuba to prevent more warheads from being shipped in. Khrushchev agreed to publicly remove the warheads if the United States announced they would not invade Cuba and would remove their warheads in Turkey. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This event was hugely significant to the Cold War because it was the first time in history that the world was that close to being launched into all out nuclear war. This was a turning point because immediately after the crisis ended on October 28th 1962 hotlines were opened up between Soviet Russia and the United States to ensure open communication between the two nations. It also opened the US and USSR's eyes to the devastation nuclear war would bring and how badly they wanted to avoid it. -
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9th 1989, U.S. president Ronald Reagan delivered a speech in west berlin telling the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall if he wants to have peace talks. After the wall fell it is was considiered the start of the end of the Cold war, now for the first time since World War 2 east and weat Berliners could cross over and interact. here is the link to the video of Reagan's speech: http://youtu.be/WjWDrTXMgF8 -
The fall of the Berlin Wall continued
After the wall fell it lead to many European countries fighting for freadom and they dissolved the Warsaw pact in 1991. They then requested troops to leave and at the time in 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold war era ended. Without the fall of the Berlin Wall the Russian troops in Berlin would not leave Berlin, then eventually the rest of Europe. After the wall fell Reagan and Gorbachev would not have had peace talks leading to the end. -
http://misslipperthistorywiki.wikispaces.com/Fall+of+the+Soviet+Union-+Ryan,+Derrick,+Kelly reagan picture- http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/whic/ImagesDetailsPage/ImagesDetailsWindow?total=3&query=OQE+fall+berlin+wall&prodId=WHIC&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Images&limiter=AC+y&u=dove10524&currPage=1&displayGroups=&sortBy=relevance%2Cdescending&source=fullList&p=WHIC%3AUHIC&action=e&catId=&view=docDisplay&documentId=GALE%7CPC2587387307 -
http://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/ -