Stalin's Combative Speech
Stalin's provocative speech was directed towards capitalist countries, attempting to prove they could not coexist. The speech took place in Moscow in front of several important members of the communist regime. Stalin was very persuasive when he spoke in an attempt to heighten nationalistic views across the Soviet Union. He also attempted to condemn religion as a whole, while specifically targeting Christianity. -
Truman Doctrine
President Truman enacted the Truman Doctrine in attempt to fight communism early in the Cold War. During this time period Greece and Turkey were in serious danger of falling to communism as they were failing economically. To combat the threat of communism spreading, the U.S. congress granted $400 million dollars in economic aid to the two countries. -
Blockade of Berlin
The Blockade of Berlin occurred when Soviet Union attempted to completely keep Western Allies outside of Berlin. They blocked railways, roads, and canal access. In order to enter Berlin the U.S. and Britain flew plains to deliver supplies to civilians of Berlin. Eventually, the blockade was lifted after thousands of flights in and out of the country. The Blockade was an attempt to isolate Berlin geographically from the Western Countries. -
Comecon was the Soviet Union's response to the Truman Doctrine. It was an attempt to help Eastern European countries that were struggling economically through loans and grants. The goal of Comecon was to prevent potentially communist countries from accepting U.S. aid and become in debt to them. After accepting the aid, those countries would have little choice, but to become capitalist nations. -
Creation of NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was constructed to combat the expansion of communism around the world. It was founded in Washington D.C. and is still around today. It is comprised of the U.S. and eleven other countries including Britain. It prompted the Warshaw Pact as well in 1955. NATO's goal was to help align all politically similar, anti-communist countries, against the Soviet Union. -
Korean War
The Korean War was a war that mainly stemmed from the conflict of the U.S. and the Soviet Union. North and South Korea were used as pawns in a larger scheme to fight the two superpower's war. It occurred when the North Korean troops crossed the 38th Parallel into South Korea. The U.S. backed the South Koreans, while the Soviets backed the communist North Koreans. The war was ultimately started through a geographic advance and the allotment of land to each side of Korea. -
Warshaw Pact
The Warshaw Pact was a military alliance put together by the Soviet Union. It was composed of several smaller Eastern European countries that pledged their military support to them. They were left with little choice of whether to agree to the Pact because those who resisted would have been seen as enemies of the Soviet State. This gave the Soviet Union more political power as it strengthened their military across Europe as well as aided their spread of communism. -
The Cuban Revolution
The Cuban Revolution occurred when Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba. He claimed ultimate power and became the dictator of the country. Fidel Castro had close ties to the Soviet Union as well. The U.S. attempted to aid the rebels in Cuba and eventually blockaded the country as well during the Cuban Missile Crisis. When the Cuban Revolution occurred a major social change was implemented as beliefs of communism became more accepted throughout the country. -
Space Race
The Space Race was a large part of the competition between the Soviet Union and America. The Soviet Union was the first person to put a person in space. Yuri Gagarin was placed into space in the Vostok spacecraft. This was one of the most complex and terrific innovations in the history of humanity till this point. -
Man on the Moon
During the Cold War, one of the most fasinating aspects is the competition between the two nations. After the first man was placed in space the U.S. had to trump the Soviet's accomplishment. They were able to put men on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon accomplished on the Apollo 13 mission. This yet again, was an extremely important and special innovation that placed the U.S. ahead of the Soviet Union in technological capabilities. -
The Summer Olympics
During the 1972 Summer Olympics the USA and Soviet Union faced off in a basketball game for the gold medal. To this point in time the U.S. had not lost a game and were viewed as the juggernaut of the sport. The Soviet Union defeated the USA in by a score of 50-51. This left the entire country in dampened spirits. It had a negative impact on moral and psychological aspects of the USA and its citizens. -
Winter Olympics
During the Winter Olympics, the US spirit was at a low. Many felt that the Soviet Union was becoming superior over the United States. As this happened the hockey teams for the USA and the USSR faced off in an unforgettable game. The USSR was one of the best hockey teams ever, but the U.S. was able to defeat them. This left a positive psychological impact on the country as the USA became a formidable force against the USSR once again. -
The policy of glasnost was instituted to help ease tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Previously, artist were not allowed to share their artwork freely. They were often censored, but this policy offered less censorship and more expression. Art was heavily impacted in the Soviet Union as it became more varied and prevalent -
Perestroika was enacted in March of 1985 and was designed to reconstruct how society operated in several ways. It allowed private ownership of some items, allowed private businesses to retain the money they made, and worked to provide more incentive for workers to perform their jobs in the Soviet Union. It impacted the culture of the USSR because it completely shifted how many day to day rituals were performed. -
Current Event
The Russians have currently been caught meddling with the election system in the United States. As a country, we have very tense relations with them and often denounce their actions. With this recent discover of intrusion on the most basic democratic act, tensions have never been higher. This relates to the Cold War because a similar tension seen before the War is again rising. -
The person I chose to interview was my step-father. He is an immigrant who was born and raised in Holland. When he was prompted about the Cold War he described how The Atomic War comes to mind as well as mutually assured destruction. He believed that the Cold War was a war where destruction of both sides could occur if either actually attacked the other place.