U.s and ussr

Cold War Timeline

  • World War 2 Timeline

    World War 2 Timeline
    After Hitler invaded the Soviet union the United States along with the Ussr formed an unlikely alliance. With the USSR believing in socialism and the social goal of equality where the U.S valued capitalism, democracy and individualism. Even with different ideaology they became unlikely partners.
  • Yalta Conferance

    Yalta Conferance
    British primeminister, Winston Churchill, FDR, and soviet's Joseph Stalin met to talk about how to end the war and a joint opporation of Germany. They talked free elections in poland with accordanence with U.S want to have independant Russia.
  • The Potsdam Conferance

    The Potsdam Conferance
    After the Yalta conferance there was a conferance in Potsdam, Germany. This was where the Soviet Union and the United states agreed to recognize each others influence over the region where their troops remained towards the end of the war.
  • Berlin Crisis

    Berlin Crisis
    At the end of the war, Germany was placed under military rule. The soviets were stationed under the east, americans in the south and british in the northwest. The victor divided the capital of germany, berlin into four sections. This divding of the country left controversy mostly because although devided the U.S and Soviet Union were unable to compromise on the land.
  • Allies defeat Germany

    Allies defeat Germany
    After the allies defeated Germany, Stalin developed Soviet controlled governments in Eastern Europe occupied by the Red Amry including Poland. By doing so Stalin would maintain in european countries along with poland.
  • First Atomic Bomb

    First Atomic Bomb
    In August of 1945, the United States dropped Atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima,Japan killing thousands of people and ending the war with japan. This incident with Japan greatly increased the consequences of nuclear wepaons and warfare in general. After this bombing further encouraged both sides to develop their own nuclear defense.
  • Winston Churchill Speech

    Winston Churchill Speech
    In the spring of 1946 Churchill delivered his famous Iron Curtain speech. This speech talked of the soviet controlled countries also talked of the reality of communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    the United states introduced the marshall plan to provide 17 million dollars in aid for economic recovery of europe. This was introduced in order to provide peace and assure safety.
  • Communist Rebellion

    Communist Rebellion
    In the early 1947 the governments of Greece and Turkey fought off communist rebellion. WIth Great Britain supporting the Greek Government in its fight against the communist the britsih soon ran low on funding. This resulted in more rioting and harder
  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    Truman made a speech on national television addresing the obligation of the United states citizens to support free people who resisted the subjacation of armed minorities or outside pressures. This speech was so that Truman could ask cogress in which he recieve 400 million to provide assitacne to Greece and turkey. Shortly after both countries successfully defeated the communist takeover.
  • Secret Document

    Secret Document
    In 1947 President Truman decurity council drafted a program called the NSC 68. A secret document that would be noted as the blueprint for the American policy for the Cold War. This document warned the Svoiet military the capability that the U.S and the west was improving rapidly. This caused the UNited states to increse spending to 50 billion dollars a year in which he did within 2 years.
  • German Currency

    German Currency
    In 1948 several countries including the U.S agreed to exchange a currency for germany. SInce they were not directly consulted the Soivets withdrew from this process. When the new currency was introduced in 1948 the Soviets protested by making a blockade between berlin
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    In retaliation for the U.S not directly inviting the Soviets to the process and changing the currency of west berlin, the USSR implimented a wall that seperated Berlin.
  • West Berlin

    West Berlin
    In August of 1948 the U.S began airlifting supplies to Berlin in order to ensure the safety of those on west berlin, They sent it to the general public of berlin to prevent starting controversy between the Soviets.
  • NATO

    As soviet aggresion grew, in order to protect themselves nations formed a military alliance called the NATO. These were peace treaties to ensure country safety.
  • American Monopoly

    American Monopoly
    At this point the Americans have greatly increased in their war effort by devloping a monopoly of nuclear technology. But by 1949 the soviet as well has developed nuclear weapons making the americans lose its dominant monopoly.
  • Reopening Routes

    Reopening Routes
    After nearly a year of having their walls seperating berlin the soviet union reopened their routes into Berlin.
  • China and Soviet Allies

    China and Soviet Allies
    In 1949 the leader of the communist movement in China allied itself with the Soviet Union. They sighned a mutual defense and economic agreement further solidifying its agreement. The U.S viewed this friendship as hostile and sided with the nationalist chinese government that was defeated by the communist Mao Zhe dong during the revoultion.
  • North Korean Invasion

    North Korean Invasion
    The Communist north korean invaded the South korean colony after recieving support through arms from the Soviets. Immediatlly the United nations stepped in sending help and thorugh the smart counterstrike of genral MAcarthur he pushed the North Koreans to the chinese border. In fear of their safety the Chinese sent out 1 million voulunteers into the u.s troops.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This war further increased the U.S Alarm and worry of the spread of communism in Asia. At this point after the WW2 the Asian country of Korea was seperated into two countries of the North Korean, that were supported by the Soviets and the South Korean that was supported by the U.S
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    After expierementing more different kinds of nuclear wepaons the U.S devloped a nuclear device called the hydrogen bomb.
  • Soviet Nuclear Weapon

    Soviet Nuclear Weapon
    But by 1953 the U.S were followed closely by the Soviet Union who at that time also developed a nuclear wepaon of their own, At this point the U.S and Soviet were in a heated battle of who could have more nuclear weapons
  • Korean War Ending

    Korean War Ending
    After taking his stand public and fearing the Soviets were going to draw on that to start a third world war, Truman immediatly fired Macarthur. Then in July of 1953 thd Korean War ended
  • Military Alliance

    Military Alliance
    In response to the the allies country forming Nato the soviet made a similar alliance. These countries involved Czechloslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania. This was named as the Warsaw Pact or as the Warsaw Treaty organization.
  • Hungary Rioting

    Hungary Rioting
    Demanding their freedom, Hungarian citizens began rioting to rebel against the communist reforms. They threatened to go back to a parliament democracy if their demands were not met.
  • Divided City

    Divided City
    Even after letting supplies go through berlin, the Soviet built a wall calling it the Berlin wall which seperated the East and West Berlin to prevent people from escaping to the west.
  • Communist Uprising

    Communist Uprising
    After the Hungarian people had failed and were then returned to their soviet style communist nation. The Soviet began stopping several other countries from starting their own uprising against a communist nation such as Czechoslovakia.
  • Soviet Control

    Soviet Control
    Although many countries began to try uprising against the communist uprising the soviets remained control to most of eastern europe until around the 1980s.