Cold War Timeline

  • Japan is in Control Over Korea

    Japan is in Control Over Korea
    Ever since 1905, Japan had been in some sort of control over Korea,
    calling Korea a protectorate, however, Japan didn't annex Korea until 1910. From 1910 up until the Korean War, Japan controlled Korea, without any Western countries interceding.
    Image from
  • Truman Takes Office: The Accidental President

    Truman Takes Office: The Accidental President
    FDR dies unexpectedly and his Vice President, Harry S. Truman takes over the office of president. He would make the decision to drop the atomic bomb, start the Korean War, and keep the New Deal in place from FDR's presidency.
    Photo from Getty Images.
  • The Iron Curtain Becomes a Widespread Idea

    The Iron Curtain Becomes a Widespread Idea
    Winston Churchill made a speech comparing the border between communist and noncommunist countries to an iron curtain. This means that the countries on either side will be able to change, however, it would be very difficult and unlikely.
    Image from Causes of the Cold War.
  • Berlin Airlift Takes Off

    Berlin Airlift Takes Off
    After the Soviets blockaded Berlin and allowed no form of transportation or goods to enter or exit Berlin, the Western side of Europe could not provide supplies to their side of Berlin. The US sent airplanes carrying goods and dropped the goods into the country for them to live off of. There were airlifts conducted daily. The Berlin Wall was constructed in the early 1960's and torn down in 1989.
    Image from Gale in Context.
  • China Becomes the People's Republic

    China Becomes the People's Republic
    Under Democracy, Chiang Kai-Shek was the leader of China, however, he had very poor leadership skills. Since he was a poor leader, Mao Zedong made communism seem attractive, and easily took control of China's power, even though Kai-Shek was funded by the US. The date represents the day the country officially became the People's Republic of China.
    Image from Gale In Context.
  • US enters the War, led by MacArthur

    US enters the War, led by MacArthur
    MacArthur joins South Korea in the fight against North Korea and China. MacArthur got quite angry at China for entering the war and wanted to bomb China to get them out of the war. MacArthur regained control over Seoul, but his plan for the atomic bomb and spreading the plan to citizens of the country got him fired by Truman.
    Image from Gale in Context.
  • US Created H Bomb

    US Created H Bomb
    The United States fully developed the Hydrogen Bomb, using fusion instead of fission from the atomic bomb. The use of fusion made the atomic bomb larger, which was called the H-bomb. This gave more power of weapons to the US, but USSR would eventually develop the H-bomb, even to be small enough to be carried by a bomber plane.
    Image from Gale in Context.
  • Election of 1952: Eisenhower Becomes President

    Election of 1952: Eisenhower Becomes President
    As the election approached, Eisenhower vowed to end the Korean war, something that citizens of the United States desperately wanted. Since he had been a WWII war hero, he was easily elected.
    Image from Gale in Context.
  • US Tries Strategy of Brinkmanship

    US Tries Strategy of Brinkmanship
    The Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles announced that the US would be strategizing with brinkmanship, meaning they would build up their army and nuclear supplies, to threaten communist countries to stop spreading communism. This could have resulted in a massive atomic war, however, the US never planned to actually use their build up of supplies.
    Image from Gale in Context.