Cold war

cold war timeline (1947-1991)

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    indias independnce from britain

    Mahatma Gandhi and many Hindus wanted independence from Great Britain for 90 years. The protests and resistance were non violent and peaceful but many were injured or killed by Britain troops who used guns and sticks.
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    the cold war begins

    After world war 2 tension between the united states and soviet union begin to boil up and hatred the U.S. and U.S.S.R. nearly go to war with each other on separate different occasions. the united states and the soviet union competed in almost everything
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    NATO and warsaw pact

    In 1949 N.A.T.O. was formed and featured most of the allied nations in world war 2 were involved including Great Britain, France, and the united states and featured new allies like west Germany and Italy. the soviets had allies of they're own and was called the warsaw pact which featured Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania etc.
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    the Chinese revolution

    The Chinese revolution was started by Mao Zedong in 1949. The goal of the revolution was to make china more technologically advanced than more culturally advanced and to do this he had brought every farmer and their families into big areas where they can farm rice wheat among other crops. However this proved to be a major issue later when the land would grow nothing and so the farmers in that area would lie about how much they had which made things worse because they did not have food for them
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    Veitnam war

    The Vietnam war is the most controversial war in American history. the U.S. did not want all of Vietnam to to be communist so south Vietnam became democratic while north became communist. When the north was trying to expand into the south the Americans went to war with communist Vietnam which lasted for 20 years.
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    Sputnik and the space race

    on October 4th 1957 Sputnik was successfully launched into space by the soviet union which had the U.S. nervous which means if the U.S.S.R. could launch a nuclear missile anywhere at the united states and at the time there was no counter defenses and if there was it was not fully developed yet. So president john f Kennedy declared by saying we'll put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s of course by this time the soviets had put the first man in space so the u.s. had to work hard and fast
  • nelson mandela and south africas independce

    While the Indian independence was going on south Africa was going on as well, The man leading the protests and marches was a man named Nelson Mandela who would later be imprisoned and was said to have died in prison but later he was freed and became the first black president of south Africa
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    the spyplane and the cuban missile crisis

    While the space race was going a U-2 spy plane gathered information about nuclear missiles inside of Cuba. this caused a major problem for the U.S. because Cuba is the closest island to the United states, later the US found out that soviets were transporting supplies to Cuba so President Kennedy decided to make as naval blockade to stop the soviet transports then Kennedy meet with soviet leader Khrushchev to make a deal to get the missiles out of Cuba and the US will remove missiles from turkey
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    U.S. puts a man on the moon

    In the summer of 1969 NASA launched Apollo 11 to the moon with three men on board, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and, Michel Collins. however the trip to the moon was not an easy one malfunctions happened frequently and the landing craft had to be landed manually. when the landing was complete Neil Armstrong climbed out of the landing craft he said the famous words "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind."
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    U.S. and U.S.S.R. join in space

    In 1975 a U.S. space craft docked with a soviet Satellite which is the first time since ww2. On board u.s. and soviet astronauts met and shook hands with each other.