Cold War Timeline

  • American-soviet cooperation ends at ends of WWII

    American-soviet cooperation ends at ends of WWII
    ** It was the first sign of post-war mistrust and hostility, which began immediately to appear between the two countries
  • Four powers divide Germany

    Four powers divide Germany
    ** Germany was divided into four occupied zones. Great Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union, all divided it.
  • U.S. puts Marshall Plan into action

    U.S. puts Marshall Plan into action
    ** President Turman signed the Economic Recovery Act. it was for the United States to provide economic assistance to restore the economy from post-war.
  • U.S. announces “Containment”

    U.S. announces “Containment”
    ** it was a basic United States strategy for fighting the cold war
  • NATO set up

    NATO set up
    ** NATO was set up after world war II. Its purpose was to secure peace in Europe
  • U.S. develops H-Bomb

    U.S. develops H-Bomb
    *** Doing the early years of the cold war, they develop and fielded a hydrogen bomb. the help with military and political provocations.
  • Soviet Union develops H-Bomb

    Soviet Union develops H-Bomb
    *** the soviets detonated their first megaton range, hydrogen bomb.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    ** It was the treaty of friendship, it was the accession of West Germany to the alliance.
  • Khrushchev calls for “peaceful co-existence”

    Khrushchev calls for “peaceful co-existence”
    *** It was for the United States and USSR, and their respective political ideologies could coexist rather than fight.
  • Sputnik is launched

    Sputnik is launched
    *** USSR launched Sputnik. the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    Berlin Wall is built
    *** The wall was built, and it became the symbol of the cold war. the four parts were separated and people in the wall could not even visit family on the other side of the wall.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    *** It was a failed military landing operation on the southwest coast of Cuba
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    **** Two spy planes secretly photographed nuclear missile sites being built by the Soviet Union
  • American-Soviet hotline established

    American-Soviet hotline established
    ** It was established for a Dricet communications line. in Geneva, Switzerland, soviet union, united states
  • Partial Test Ban Treaty signed

    Partial Test Ban Treaty signed
    ** The treaty was signed by the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. the treaty bans nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere.
  • Czech uprising (Prague Spring)

    Czech uprising (Prague Spring)
    **** It was a brief period of economic and political liberalization in Czechoslovakia.
  • SALT treaty signed

    SALT treaty signed
    *** The treaty was signed during the cold war. the United States and the Soviet Union had agreed to limit there a number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals.
  • Polish “Solidarity” uprisings

    Polish “Solidarity” uprisings
    ** It was a social movement using methods of civil resistance to advance the cause, rights, and social change
  • U.S. Star Wars research begins

    U.S. Star Wars research begins
    *** It was a strategic defensive system against potential nuclear attacks,
  • I.N.F. Treaty signed

    I.N.F. Treaty signed
    *** ronald reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev signed the treaty, the treaty was the first that the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to eliminate a weapons class and reduce the number of weapons in thier nuclear stockpile
  • Iron Curtain collapses

    Iron Curtain collapses
    ** Communist abandonment of one-party in Eastern Europe,
  • Berlin Wall torn down

    Berlin Wall torn down
    ** Crowds of Germans went to the wall and tore it down, in the middle of the night. the wall was there for almost 30 years
  • Germany is reunited

    Germany is reunited
    *** Berlin was reinstated as the capital city of united Germany.
  • Soviet Union ceases to exist

    Soviet Union ceases to exist
    ** The sickle flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin, thereafter replaced by the Russian tricolor.
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved

    Warsaw Pact dissolved
    *** Czechoslovak president, Vaclav Havel, formally declared an end to it on 1 July, Gorbachev's policy of openness