Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference involved British Minister, WInston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Yalta Conference (sometimes called The Crimea Conference) was a conference between the three leaders to demand Germany’s unconditional surrender and began plans for a post World War, and Joseph Stalin agreed to permit free elections in Eastern Europe. This happened because they wanted to plan the final defeat and occupation of Nazi Germany.(Yalta Conference) -
Yalta Conference 2
Yalta became controversial after Soviet-American wartime degenerated into the Cold War. Joseph Stalin broke his promise of free elections in Eastern Europe and installed governments dominated by the Soviet Union.
http://spartacus-educational.com/RUSyalta.JPG -
Potsdam Conference 2
This is connected to other events because they had certain bad/good impacts on the people who were involved.
http://www.dw.com/image/0,,16441900_303,00.jpg -
Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference included Harry S. Truman, British Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin. It was a discussion about the occupation of Austria, Poland, and the Soviets Union’s role in Eastern Europe. This happened because they wanted German people to prepare for the eventual reconstruction of their life. In the outcome of this conference Japan was threatened and the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Japan rejected.(Potsdam Conference) -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)
The countries who were involved in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization were the Unites States, Canada, and European countries. NATO was when member countries jointly planned, financed, and built infrastructure, also the Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact in response to NATO setting up and integrated military force. This happened because NATO felt threatened by the Soviet Union and they felt like they were going to be attacked. In the outcome of this NATO remained a strong military.(NATO) -
The U.S. complained about the cost of stationing hundreds of thousands of troops in Europe.
http://www.insig2.eu/upload/novosti/nato-logo_152219.jpg -
Korean War
North Koreans, Soviets, and China was involved in the Korean War. North Koreans attacked South ward across the 38th parallel, and the United States council called for an immediate cease-fire. The Korean war happened because the Soviet Union was boycotting security council meetings and North Korea had a major problem with that. In the result of the Korean War it took lives of about 1,300,000 South Koreans, 1,000,000 Chinese, 500,000 North Koreans, and 37,000 Americans.(Korean War) -
Korean War 2
This event affected the people involved because some of people’s lives were taken from mostly everyone who participated in the war.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Warkorea_American_Soldiers.jpg -
Vietnam War
The countries that were involved in the Vietnam war was North Vietnam, and South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese government and the Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam. They fought against forces from France and the U.S. and also the South Vietnam. This happened because North Vietnam wanted to reunite the country under communism, and its political and economic system, but South Vietnam fought to keep that from happening.(Vietnam War) -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was an event that happened in the 1950’s to the 1990’s and it included the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The Warsaw Pact created an alliance, and they put troops and weapons in Eastern Europe. They did this because they wanted to create a strong defense, in response to NATO controlling the East. The Warsaw Pact caused Nationalism and hostility against the Soviet, and the response was force from Soviet Union.(Warsaw Pact) -
Space Race/Sputnik
The Space Race included the Soviet Union, and the United States. What happened was that the Soviet Union launched the earth’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik -1. This happened because the U.S. military had generally fallen behind in developing new technology, and they took matters into their own hands. The impact of the event was that the U.S policy makers created space and weapons programs, Cold War tensions increased in the outcome of this.(Sputnik) -
Space Race/Sputnik 2
Countries prepared new methods of attacking each other because of the satellite.
https://historymartinez.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/space-race.jpg -
Berlin Wall
Berlin was included in the Berlin Wall event. The Berlin Wall was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961-1989. It was to divide the East and the West of Berlin, it divided families and it kept people from going to jobs in the West. They wanted to keep Western “fascists” from entering East Germany, but it served the objective of stemming mass defections from East to West. The Berlin Wall stood until November 9, 1989 when it was destroyed by demolition.(Berlin Wall) -
Berlin Wall 2
And it remains one of the most powerful and enduring symbols of the Cold War for 30 years.
https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/11/5/1415201768535/09d756f5-2f5e-49c2-806d-dad7cafebeb6-2060x1236.jpeg?w=1125&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=b4861096864dfea909767241c0e0b6e3 -
Suez Crisis 2
Britain and France demanded the Israel and Egyptian troops withdraw from the canal. The effect of this was that Nasser was known as a victor and a hero for the cause of Arab and Egyptian Nationalism. Israel regained shipping rights in the straits of Tran, and Britain and France lost their influence in the Middle East.
http://efisherhistory12.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/5/2/23527216/8950791_orig.png -
Suez Crisis
The Egyptian president, Egypt, and the International Crisis in the Middle East were involved in the Suez Crisis. The Suez Crisis was provoked by an American and British decision not to finance Egypt’s construction of the Aswan High Dam, in response to Egypt’s growing ties with communist Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. This happened because Nasser reacted to the American and British decision by declaring Martial Law.(Suez Crisis) -
Six-Day War
Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were mainly involved in the Six-Day War in the MIddle East. It involved three distinct battlefronts tied together by a shared part of the surrounding Arab states to erase the shame of their defeat, when they failed to destroy the Jewish state. This happened because Israel launched extensive air strikes on Egyptian Air Force warplanes and bases.(Six-Day War) -
Six-Day War 2
In the outcome of this a Cease-fire occurred on the Israel-Syrian front, the Arab states suffered a defeat, Israel lost around 700 soldiers, and the Jordanian air force was completely destroyed.
http://pix.avaxnews.com/avaxnews/1e/1f/00001f1e.jpeg -
Glasnost & Perestroika
The people/countries that were included were the Soviet union and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Glasnost was the Soviet policy of an open discussion of political and social issues, and Perestroika was a program instituted in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev, to restructure Soviet political and economic issues. This happened because Perestroika aimed at restructuring Soviet economic and political party.(glasnost, perestroika) -
Galsnost & Perestroika
Gorbachev believed that opening up a system was the only way to overcome inertia in the Soviet political apparatus. The effects was that they gave enlarged individual freedom of expression in the country, and it gave media greater freedom to publish.
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aa-Kqdr9hc8/TqQ0Qy43dGI/AAAAAAAAAVs/dpkcooxNLu8/s1600/glasnost-and-perestroika.jpg -
Vietnam War 2
In the outcome of the Vietnam War more than 3 million people including 58,000 Americans were killed, and more than 2 million civilians were killed. http://assets2.bigthink.com/system/tinymce_assets/2267/original/2._GettyImages-3366279.jpg?1459284035