Cold War Timeline

  • yalta conference

    Who: Soviet Union (Stalin), USA (Roosevelt), Britain (Churchill)
    What happened: Re-draw the map of Europe and allow European countries to have free elections and decide their own future.
    Where: Yalta, (on the Black sea)
    How did it effect liberalism: The Yalta conference would have gave countries more liberalism because it gave them the choice for their governments and their future. It also took away liberalism because there was three countries drawing the lines for everyone else.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Who: Truman, Churchill, Stalin.
    What happened: Germany was restructed by the "big three" and Stalin also went against the free elections he agreed to at the yalta conference and a "war of ideas" emerged.
    Where: Potsdam, Germany.
    How did it effect liberalism:The Potsdam conference took away liberalism for the German people by others taking control of their country and restructing it. Stalin going against the free elections took away countries and their peoples choice.
  • Soviet creation of nuclear weapons

    Who: Soviet Union.
    What happened: Truman and Stalin recognized each other as rivals for domination, a "war of ideas" emerged that extended beyond weapons, territory, and economics
    Where: Potsdam conference
    How did it effect liberalism: The Soviet Union and USA were now fighting for dominace and other countries were starting to get effected.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Who: USA and Japan
    What happened: The USA dropped a Atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki.
    Where: Nagasaki Japan.
    How did it affect liberalism:This event took away liberalism, this started the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • Boming of Hiroshima

    Who: USA and Japan
    What happened: The USA dropped a atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
    Where: Japan
    How did it affect liberalism:This event took away liberalism, this started the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Who: USA government and the countries they helped
    What: The US government would buy their allias by giving them aid, they provided $400 million to Greece and Turkey after the war when they were asking for support. This deafted all communsim in both countries.
    Where: USA, Greece, and Turkey
    How did it effect liberalism: It helped the countries recover from the war but it also forced them to be allies with the US and be democratic.
  • Molotov Plan

    Who: SU, Poland, Czrchoslavakia, East Geramny, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania
    What happened: The SU used this to counter the Marshall plan and solidify their presence in Europe.
    Where: Europe.
    How did it affect liberalism: It took away liberalism from the countries because they were now basically under the SU control.
  • Period: to

    Marshall Plan

    Who: USA, countries they aided
    What happened: Help any European country recover from the war communist or democratic. The USA provided a $13 billion plan to 17 countrys, the Marshall plan imposed a free market and unified European economy. This didnt align with Soviet ideologys and the Soviet Union rejected it.
    Where: USA, Europe
    How did it effect liberalism: This took away liberalism because the USA was forcing countries and Europe to be capitalist and have a free market.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Who: France, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
    What happened: This treaty was for, Economic, social, cultural collaboration, and collective self defence.
    Where: Brussels
    How did it affect liberalism: It gave the country more freedoms because they now have allies to rely on.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    Who: Stalin (SU)
    What happened: Stalin blocked all the roads, railways, and transport to West Berlin, the USA didnt want to pull out of Berlin so they had the Berlin airlift to get the people supplies.
    Where: West Berlin
    How did it effect liberalism: T
  • NATO

    Who: Most countries in the north atlantic
    What happened: NATO was an alliance designed to defenend members from the SU and their allies.
    Where: North Atlantic
    How did it affect liberalism:
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Who: North and south Korea, Communist and capitalist forces.
    What Happened: The North and South were trying to take eachother and they were both backed by communist forces and capitalist forces.
    Who: North and South Korea
    How did it affect liberalism: Both sides thought that their ideas would be better and the other is trying to take their liberalism
  • Stalins death

    Who: Stain
    What happened: He died of a stroke.
    Where: Kuntsevo Dacha.
    How did it effect liberalism: The Soviet union lost their leader and need someone to fill the void. This left a power struggle among all Soviet leaders.
  • Warsaw pact

    Who: SU, Albania, Poland, Czechoslaviakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and the German democratic Reupublic
    What happened: The Soviet Union created the warsaw pact to counter Nato.
    Where: Warsaw, Poland.
    How did it effect liberalism:
  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

    Who: Vietnam side backed by Communsim, Vietnam side backed by USA
    What happened: Vietnam was split into two and one side wanted comunism and the other wanted democracy. The USA came in and tried to stop communism but it did not go well.
    Where: Vietnam
    How did it effect liberalism: the Americans tried to stop a country from deciding its own fate.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Who: Hungary, SU.
    What happened: The Hungarian people revolted against their communist government, in less then two weeks they won and wormed a new government, Soviet tanks came and defeated the new government and restored the pro soviet government.
    Where: Hungary
    How did it effect liberalism: This took away liberalism from the hunagrian people because they didnt have a choice, they had to be communist.

    Who: Canada and USA
    What happened: Built a air defence along canadas northern shores.
    Where: Canadas northern shores
    How did it affect liberalism: Didnt affect liberalism
  • Fidel Castro take over

    Who: Fidel Castro, Fulgencio Bastista, Cuba people.
    What happened: Fulgencio Bastista was a corrupt, pro capitalist leader and the cuban people had enough and Castro led a socialist revolution and overthrew the government. Castro came into power and became a dictator and quickly became allies with the Soviet Union.
    Where: Cuba
    How did it affect liberalism: Castros take over lead to the loss of liberalism from alot of Cuban people who were exiled.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Who: Poland and SU
    What happened: Poland set up unions and tried to have a liberal government. The Soviet Union came in and stopped it.
    where: Poland
    How did it effect liberalism: The people didnt have a say in what they want and the Soviets took away their liberalism.
  • Bay of pigs

    Who: Cuban Exiles, USA, Cuban
    What happened: USA military supported Cuban exiles and trained them to invade Cuba but it failed.
    Where: Cuba
    how did it affect liberalism:
  • Berlin wall

    Who: Soviet Union
    What happened: The Soviet Union troops in east Berlin locked down the border along east and west Berlin. The wall enclosed West Berlin and the Soviet said it was to protect east Berlin
    Where: West Berlin

    How did it effect liberalism: This took away liberalism from the West Berliners and tried to stop them from getting supplies and leaving.
  • Period: to

    Cuban missle crisis

    Who: USA, Cuba, and SU
    What happened: Cuba had Soviet supported missle bases and had ships that carried soviet missles. They were armed with atomic warheads, US president JFK ordered a naval blockade of Cuba. Kennedy agreed to not inavde Cuba and withdraw American missles from turkey, in exchange the SU would remove their missles from Cuba.
    Where: Cuba
    How did it effect liberalism: Also Nuclear war.
  • Period: to

    Nuclear arms treaty

    Who: Everyone
    What happened: SALT talks
    Where: Moscow
    How did it effect liberalism: Countries werent allowed to have certain amount of weapons, and they understood MAD.
  • Period: to

    Czechoslocakia Revolution

    Who: Czechoslavakia
    What happened: The Czech government was trying to move towards a democratic government and have good relations with the western countries. The Su tried to have talks with the Czech but it didnt go well, four warsaw pact countries invaded and occupied the CSSR. within a year everything was reversed.
    Where: Czechoslovakia
    How did it effect liberalism: The Czech didnt have a choice of what they wanted
  • Afghanistan/Soviet war

    Who: Afghanistan and Soviet Union
    What happened: The Soviet Union tried to invade and impose communism onto the Afghan people, it didnt go over well because communism doesnt like religion and Afghanistan is a very religious country. The Americans helped support the Afghans and left the well trained and with weapons. They later became the Taliban.
    Where: Afghanistan
    How did it effect liberalism: The Afghans people liberalism was trying to be taken by the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin wall falling

    Who: West Berlin, Soviet Union.
    What happened: The wall that the Soviets built around west Berlin to keep capitlism and western ideas away from europe finally fell with the collapse of the Soviet union.
    Where: West Berlin
    How did it effect liberalism: The people in west Berlin got their liberalism back and werent stuck.
  • End of the cold war

    Who: All countries involved
    What happened: The government allowed elections with more parties and the Soviet Union slowly collapsed
    Where: Soviet Union
    How did it effect liberalism: Russian people gained liberalism and were "free" from soviet control.